Chapter 18

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Week 3 – Monday

You eventually left his side to check on the pot, stirring the noodles around absentmindedly, all while trying to push down the unwanted and all-familiar stutter of your heart.

That boy was the devil disguised in wolf's clothing, with a face that seemed to make you grit your teeth and fall apart like rose petals at the same time. His friends had given you some worthwhile advice, but one thing they had forgotten to take into account was Bakugo's unfairly handsome face. That, and his unsuspectingly warm heart, blanketed in a heroic dream...

After a few more minutes keeping busy in the kitchen, ramen bowls were placed at the table, wafting trails of hot steam and spice. Clinking dishes into soapy water, the blonde ushered you over, the snap of chopsticks in your ears.

"Quit dawdling, Thornbush," he grunted, digging into his ramen. "It'll get cold."

You rifled around in the spice drawer, looking for pepper amidst the colorful jars and their sharp smells. When your fingers finally found the pesky glass, there was a tickle in your nose.

Oh no.

...Not again.


Holding your face, soft petals slipped from your hands, trickling onto the floor. Bakugo dropped his chopsticks.

(TRACK - Moderato Scherzoso For Piano Trio)

The kitchenette was consumed by a flurry of red and green. Scattered leaves floated in the dishwater. Curly vines hung off the drawer handles like streamers. Fully formed flowers laid in a blanket of ruby petals. It was a borderline explosion of your quirk. A colorful splatter on a once tidy counterspace.

"It was the pepper," you said sheepishly, baffled by the sight before you.

"Is your snot some friggin magic plant fertilizer or somethin'? It's nearly a goddamned jungle in here!"

You winced. "You have, um, something in your hair?"

Bakugo ruffled his spikes, causing a small rainfall of petals. Sprinkles of red in his ramen.

"Shit – what's with you?! Everywhere you go, you leave behind a trail of your flowery garbage."

You were already crouched on the floor, groaning in frustration as you gathered the bright flower confetti in your arms. Every quirk had its drawbacks. One of yours was the sneezes.

"When I sneeze it, um, sometimes makes a mess," you said, brushing back your hair.

"Yeah. I didn't forget your little stunt against Shitty hair, back at the warehouse. Sounds like you don't know how to control your quirk," he gruffed, pulling out a trash bag from the cupboard. "Get a hold of yourself already. Heroes don't sneeze party confetti, or entire flower gardens."

Between your fingers, the bulb of a rose dangled elegantly, full and round like a Christmas ornament.

"I-It's never like this."


"The flowers. These ones are fully formed. And the mess here, it's," you groaned, embarrassment flooding to your cheeks. "A lot more than usual."

Bakugo snorted. "You're disgusting."

"Sh-Shut up! It's just flowers!"

"Snotty flowers."

Falling for a Flower - Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now