Chapter 20

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AN: I think you'll really like this one... ;)


Week 3 – Tuesday

(TRACK – Adante Comodo for Chamber Orchestra)

Warm up was almost unbearable. You tried to distract yourself by tracing the draping, black curtains, and losing your gaze in the elegant vase of roses sitting on the windowsill, shadowed by the sun fall. Not even the gentle piano music streaming though the stereo and delicately filling the room could cut through the tension radiating between you and the walking explosion.

His fingers would grip the bar, and it would startle you. You could only voice every other correction for fear that his head of hair would snap in your direction and bite off one of your limbs. Every now and then, your eyes would meet in the mirror, and a shock would ripple up your spine, akin to when an elevator drops or being dunked in a pool of ice water. Despite his more graceful stature (an improvement from your first week together) his body language screamed anything but peaceful.

An explosion was building inside him. And you could see it clear as day.

The whole time, as you develope'd and routeirre'd through your bar warm up, all you could think was, 'What went wrong? What's on his mind? Was Bakugo, okay....?'

As the last track came to a close, you bounded across the room, half desperate to escape the pending eruption.

"O-Okay, that wraps up our warm up. How are you feeling?"

The music clicked off, replacing it with the hum of ventilation, and the rhythmic breaths from the blonde across the room. He was leaning on the bar, on his elbows, jutting his chin in your direction.

"I'm not doing your 'review' bullshit. Show me what you did with Shitty hair or I'm leavin'."

"...Well, yesterday we were learning the funky chicken. I think tomorrow we'll try on some tutus for fun, so..."

"That's not what I meant."

You thumbed through your phone, trying to hide from his intimidating eyes.

"Actually, I had something else planned."

Bakugo groaned. "Fan-fucking-tastic."

Once you found the next playlist of ballet tracks, you set down your phone, gathering the courage to approach him again. Even though you were nearly tip toeing on landmines at this point, you kept the newfound advice in the back of your mind. Just trust him. Give him a chance. He doesn't do things without reason.

"I know you like to show off, so, let's start with a test."

He raised a brow.

"What kinda test are you talkin' about?"

"A test of trust."

He scoffed. "You're joking."

You didn't reply, standing firm. He didn't like that.

"That's it. I'm done here."

Before he could press away from the bar, you interrupted, grasping at air to keep him committed. "When you start doing partner work, there's lifts and holds and balances that you work through together. The ballerina has to put her safety in the hands of her partner. And her partner needs to trust her confidence, trust that she won't back down from the steps in the routine. If you want to take things to the next level, we need to show that we can trust each other."

Falling for a Flower - Bakugo X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang