Chapter 14

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Week 3 – Monday

(TRACK – Hokkori)

"So, you want to learn how to wrangle Bakugo?"

Kirishima had chuckled to himself, his hair falling in his eyes.

It was hard to find the right time to ask. The rest of practice left little time for extra conversation, with the Director cracking down on the whip, putting everyone and their partners to work.

You tucked a sweaty strand of hair behind your ear.

"This is, kind of embarrassing, but yeah... I'm wondering if you'd be able to help."

His fingers ran through fallen spikes, slicking back the gel with the wet of his brow.

"That's a tough lesson to teach," he said. "But I'm honoured you came to me of all people."

"W-Well, it seems like you guys are close. And I'm not sure how Bakugo does friendships, but you look like a 'best friend' kinda guy to me."

His eyes lit up. "You really mean it?"

You smiled. "The 'manliest best friend', kinda guy."

"Well, I guess I wouldn't be living up to that name if I couldn't help you out. Wouldn't be too chilvourous of me," he teased.

Kirishima zipped up his duffel, throwing it over his shoulder.

"I'll help you out, but on one condition," he offered.

You dragged your trusty, purple bag into the crook of your arm, joining him by his side with an attentive nod.

"Let me bring up the question with the rest of the gang. Join us at dinner tonight and we can chat about it. Everyone's got their own perspectives and experiences and personal history with Blasty. They can help us figure out a strategy to make your little partnership work," he explained.

The offer struck something in your chest. A warm feeling at first, but pitiful in the aftertaste. Kirishima was just being nice. You didn't think he'd have the heart to reject you outright. Afterall, you weren't one of them: one of the heroes. Just an outsider with special circumstances and a brief special privilege.

"I appreciate the offer, but, I don't want to intrude on you and your friends... And plus, my table group will be expecting me."

"Aww, are you sure? If you let them know, I'm sure they won't mind if you miss one dinner with them."

If only he knew. The girls at your table were likely indifferent, but if Hoshiko could make a fuss over your behavior, she'd be the first to make it a problem. Anything to undermine you. And those table girls would follow suit, and soon enough, you'd be eating lunch in the solitude of your room.

"Plus," he added with a smile. "The group misses you. We hardly see you outside of class. You know you're always welcome at our table."

As you left the studio together, following after the others, Kirishima slowed to your pace, waiting for you to push through the frantic mob of shoulders. The opportunity was practically glowing in his eyes. It was a hard choice, challenging to turn down. Maybe your table wouldn't notice or care. Besides, Hoshiko would probably be too busy flirting with Kai.

"...Are you sure that's okay? They're not going to be weirded out, are they?"

"Nah. Not a chance. If anything, they'll be excited to hear the scoop on how practices have been going," he smirked, pausing in the hallway.

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