Chapter 13

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Week 3 – Monday

Your visit with Hoshiko was... interesting. Suspicious eyes lingered on the gashes of your arms. White lashes fluttered, trying to pry the answers from you without slipping out any interest.

"You said this was from a fall?"

"Yeah. I – uh, fell from the upper staircase last night. Broke one of the vases. Landed on the glass."

"...Uh, huh... Maybe you should watch where you're walking instead of going around breaking school property," she sassed.

(TRACK – Romance For Violin And Piano, transitions into Elegia For Piano)

Sitting against the back wall of the studio, listening to the music track loop once again, the rest of the UA class were running through the last of their warmup. The Director waved her fingers, sending a head of curly hair and freckles flying across the room. You watched Midoriya sheepishly join Todoroki at the other end, starting back from the top.

"At this rate, they're not going to be ready for this semester's production," Hoshiko grumbled.

"Why do you say that?"

"Are you stupid? Look at them. Third week in and they can't do more than a double pirouette."

"I mean, it took us a whole year to get our doubles."

"No. It took you a year. Took me 8 months," she scoffed.

You rolled your eyes. "Anyway, I think you're assuming too early. And what does it matter to you? As long as you get the lead part with Kai...", that sentence felt sour on your tongue, "who cares how everyone else performs?"

She sighed. "I guess. Whatever..."

Her fingers grazed the wound of your arm gently, a warm, tingly sensation following their touch. The wound wasn't too severe for Hoshiko's quirk, but it certainly wouldn't be able to fix it brand new. Arm exercises were going to be a bummer this week.

She puffed her white bangs out from her face, concentrating on closing the lesion. Maybe there'd still be a scar. A memory of the past, there to remind you of your progress, your hardships... Like the sprain of your ankle that never fully healed. Or the gouge in your heart that was never filled, only patched. A place once belonging to the girl behind you.

"I heard you were talking to your grandparents," you mentioned.

Her hand stilled, brow shifting as if to say, 'how would you know'?

"One of the girls mentioned it during practice."


"How, um, how are they doing?"

She frowned. "They're fine. Why do you care?"

"I was just curious. They used to come to our productions a lot. Haven't seen them in a long time. I still have that blanket your grandma kitted me back in middle school."

"Of course you would..."

A colourful blanket, woven with a mother's love. Warm memories of their hugs; of being twirled in the air by his strong arms; of running around in the field with the white pigtailed girl, tutus dancing in the grass after the curtains closed.

Hoshiko's eyes grew dark. "They're in the hospital right now. My grandfather's heart condition flared up, and my grandma wants to stay with him," she explained.

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