Chapter 10

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Week 2 – Wednesday

(TRACK - Theme For The ''Zuka-bu'' For Orchestra)

Hands wrapped around his neck, arms cradling your body, you were too stunned to speak. Who gave him the right to insert himself and play Mr. Hero? To put his hands on you, when not even a day had passed since he'd smeared you like a bug into the floor and made you and your dreams feel like children's games.

Tears pricking your eyes with heated frustration, it took everything in you right then and there not to strangle him to death.

"Caught you, dumbass," he sneered, wearing the semblance of a smirk on his face. So proud of himself. So arrogantly stupid.

"...Put me down right now."

"Quit bein' so careless. Not even a fuckin' thank you, huh?"

That was enough to break the trance of a shock he'd put you in, as you violently attempted to squirm out of his arms.

"How dare you touch me, you ignorant asshole! You're gonna act like yesterday never happened?"

His brief aura of self-satisfaction had dissipated into an offended scowl. Your wriggling startled the boy, fumbling you in his grip.

"Hey! Stop, goddamnit!"

"I don't want your self-imposed help! I'd've rather landed flat on my face!"

Your little outburst had gathered the class's attention. A tug of invisible wire was wrapped around you without a second thought. The Director wiggled her fingers, placing your dangling limbs back onto your feet as she made her way over.

"Idiots. What the hell were you thinking?" He barked, making Kirishima wince.

"Thanks for the save there, man... I-I was too ambitious, and I messed up. I'm really sorry."

You urgently reached for his arm. "No – wait. It's my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to do something you're not ready for. This isn't on you."

"How about you're both a pair of dimwits that don't think twice before doing something stupid!"

The boy's rant was cut short, his feet dragged by the flick of the Director's hand.

"This isn't your place to discipline, Bakugo," she warned, pronouncing each syllable of his name. Her sharp eyes turned to you. "What happened?"

"Just a small mistake, Director," you said carefully, fearful of her disappointment. "I wasn't clear about the expectations and was accidentally, tossed... Sorry for interrupting the class."

Her eyes softened. "Are you okay darling?"

The blonde prick-up-your-ass deserved flaming hellfire for all you cared. But you knew better. You'd already imposed on the class. And Kirishima looked ready to settle the conflict and to save the good time you were having.

"...Y-Yes, ma'am."

"And you, young man?"

Kirishima nodded nervously.

"Very well." She clapped her hands and the class dissolved. "Back to practice everyone! I want to see proper posture across the room! No slouchy shoulders! No sickled feet!"

Fixing your ballet bun, you could finally breathe easy. Almost.

Bakugo, in his lean black tights and same white shirt, had been dragged halfway across the room to meet his pink partner, who was spewing sassy remarks into him. But halfway was quite a distance. And for such a sudden mishap, such a brief moment, it only had you wondering how exactly he'd been there to catch you...

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