"What is your favorite area of Forever 21?" Asks Kailah.

"The pink section! Duh," I respond.

"Eww, I hate that section!"

"Well, you shop in your favorite section, and I will shop in mine." One thing about Forever 21 is that it has different sections for different styles, which I liked. I look at the selection. I choose a few different clothing articles and head to the fitting room. The room was empty. There was usually someone at the fitting rooms that would let you in a stall, but there wasn't. All the fitting rooms where locked, except for one of the stalls was open. It was at the other end of the hallway and I rush towards it. I quickly try on all my clothes. After that I put on my actual clothes. I try to open the stall door, but it doesn't budge. I hear a giggle coming from the distance. I start to panic. This is probabaly something that comes out of a horror movie, well I wouldn't know, I have never watched a horror movie. Anyway, I saw a shadow moving closer to my door.

"Help!" I scream. The person kept laughing. It was starting to get creepy. The shadow stops at my stall door and slips a piece of paper through the door. I picked up the paper and it read:

"Listen closely, Paris. Stay away from him or I will ruin you. -SJ"

"Samantha?" I ask confused. She starts to laugh uncontrollably and she starts to shake the door. The lights flicker and everything shakes. I start to scream. The mirror cracks and all the clothes fall off the hook in the fitting room.

"Help!" I scream again. No one would come. I pull out my phone and try to call Kailah. She doesn't answer. I scream again. This wasn't happening, I thought I was going to die. I crawl up in the corner of the fitting room and sob quietly. Everything continued to shake and Samamtha continued to laugh. I wasn't going to die here. I get off my feet and crawl under the stall door. No one was there. The shaking and laughter stopped. The stall door unlocks, and opens again. I look inside. The mirror wasn't cracked and the clothes were still on a hook. I grab my stuff and leave the fitting room. Did I just imagine all of that?

I stand in the check out line in Forever 21. I didn't tell Kailah anything because then that would mean I would have to spill about Halloween, and I didn't want to explain that to anyone.

"Did you have any luck?" I ask Kailah.

"Yep," replies Kailah holding up the pile of clothes in her hand.

"Do you want to go to the food court and eat?" Asked Kailah. I nod.

Kailah and I sit in the fairly busy food court, eating our dinner. I still thought about what happened in the fitting room. Did that actually happen? Or was it a dream? I honestly didn't know or nor did I want to. It seemed too creepy. I would probably have nightmares.


It was now 8:32 p.m. My mom told me to take out the trash, and bring the trash cans down the driveway, tommorrow was Friday. I drop off the second trash can at the end of my drive way. I looked down my street and saw a figure standing in the middle of the street. I squint my eyes to try and get a better look. I noticed the person was a girl and she was......smiling at me. It wasn't a cute smile, it was the smile of a psycho. It was Samantha. I started to quickly walk back to my house, but then I notice a car driving down my street. The lights of the car lit up the street and it really defined the figure. Samantha wasn't moving, and the car wasn't stopping. The car kept driving, until it hit Samantha. I squeak and run over to where her body would lay. The car drove away, like nothing happened. I look around the street and find no body laying around. Did she.....disappear? I turn around, confused. When I turned around I see Samantha's smiling face, 1 inch away from mine. I lose my breath and my eyes widen. I was too scared to scream.

"Stay away from Kobe," she whispers. I just stand, unable to respond. Samantha walks off into the distance. What just happened. Was I being stalked? Weirdly enough, I wasn't too scared, but if this gets any worse than it already is, then I have to tell someone about her.


The next day at school I forgot about Samantha. It was lunch and I had to go to the bathroom. I leave my friends and go into the empty bathroom. I do my "buisness" and walk out of the stall and wash my hands. I look down and my hands. The lights flicker. I look at the mirror and find a person staring at me. I gasp and turn around. It was the one and only, Samantha.

"Hello Paris," she says giving me her creepy grin.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.


"Who?" I asks.

"Oh you know, my dear Kobe."

"That's nice, well you see I need to leave, and I think you should do the same."

"Why? Are you scared, Paris?"

"No, but don't you have school right now?"

"I'm home schooled," she replies.

"Well, I think you should transfer here, you know, since you fancy Kobe so much."

"My mom won't let me, she says I'm too much of a troubled child to be surrounded by other people."

"Troubled? You aren't troubled....." I lie.

"I know, but my mom is crazy."

"So, I need to go....Nice seeing you." I single drop of sweat rolls down my forehead.

"I will let you go, once you answer my question."

"What is your question?"

"Are you going to stay away from Kobe?" She asks.

"Don't worry about me, I can't date."

"That didn't answer my question!" She snaps.

"It doesn't matter, Kobe is moving to Michigan during the summer, what's the point of dating him when he is leaving." Samantha's eyes widen. She didn't know about this.

"Liar!" She screams.

"I'm not lying, Kobe is moving across the country." Samantha breaks down. She starts crying uncontrollably. I sneak out. Well Samantha might be crazy, but one thing we have in common is that we will both miss Kobe when he leaves.

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