After lunch with Niall, the blond returns to his own office to get some of his work done, Liam chooses to stay holed up in his own, attempting to finish sending out some important emails, and returning some calls he's been neglecting for several days now. Liam's eyes land on a framed picture of his parents and sisters that's sitting on his desk and he sighs, before continuing to type out the email he was working on. A knock at the door, pulls him away from his work, as he glances up, "Elise, come in" he sighs, seeing his assistant standing there holding a cup of coffee and looking scared. Elise scurries into the room, placing the coffee on his desk, "you've been in here a while, thought you could use some" she says as an explanation and Liam nods, smiling gratefully at her "thank you" he murmurs before taking a sip. Elise picks at her fingers for a few seconds before sighing, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry, for being so forward, with you. I mean I knew you like men, but I was just hoping there was a chance. It was wrong of me and I'm sorry" she apologizes quickly. Liam smiles and waves her away, "it's not a problem at all long as it's done now" he warns and Elise nods, "absolutely finished, I really enjoy working with you. But I'll let you get back to work now" she assures him, before standing and exiting the room.

Liam's looking for another set of papers for another, slightly less important meeting, he can't find them, but knows Niall doesn't have them this time, as his business partner and friend isn't even coming to this meeting. He groans, knowing he needs to clean up his office, and organize all his papers, and soon or he's going to end up in trouble. Liam spots the folder, sticking out on the corner of his desk a few minutes later, and lets out a relieved sigh. He's still got enough time he could have retyped the paperwork, but he's glad he doesn't have to. Liam spends the rest of the afternoon going over various piles of paperwork and attempting to organize his office. He's so busy he doesn't really realize that it's past time to call it a day, until Niall is standing in his doorway, "time to call it a night Li" he says, and Liam nods slowly, "sounds good to me" he mutters before tossing a stack of papers he's holding back onto the desk, (he'll deal with them tomorrow), and pulling on his suit jacket to follow Niall, out and to the elevator. "Any plans for tonight?" Niall asks, after a few seconds of silence on the elevator, Liam shrugs because no he doesn't have plans, never does really. Niall makes a disapproving sound, "you should let me set you up with someone. You need to get out more Li" he sighs, but Liam's shaking his head, before his friend even finishes his thought. "I'll be fine, you seeing Jace tonight?" he asks. Niall grins and nods his head as the elevator doors open into the underground parking garage, Liam smiles and pats Niall on the back, "tell him I say hi" he calls before climbing into his own car, and starting the engine.

Liam's phone is ringing as he struggles to carry, his dinner, and briefcase into his apartment, he has a feeling he knows who is calling, and he doesn't want to miss this call. He drops his briefcase on the floor, and deposits the paper bag of take out on the counter, before diving for his cordless phone. "Hello...?" he pants, loosening his tie, "Liam? How did it go today?" his dad asks and Liam smiles, "great actually Dad. We've signed and the merge is starting" he answers. His dad lets out a wet sounding cough that makes Liam cringe, "how're you doing Dad?" Liam asks, pulling open the fridge to look for a drink, he hears his dad clear his throat before he laughs, "I'm alright son" he murmurs. Liam's not convinced, but doesn't bother to pressure him, "uhuh, and how's Mum?" Liam asks, he can practically hear his dad roll his eyes, before attempting to conceal another cough, "she's your mum, thinks I need to be babied" Geoff pouts. Liam laughs at this, and nods, "sounds about right" he murmurs, "but really dad, you don't sound great, you okay?" he asks seriously. Geoff clears his throat again, "just an infection, I'll be fine" he dismisses him, and Liam knows his dad is done with the topic of his health. Liam bites his lip and sighs, "I miss you Dad, wish you were still working. I mean Niall's great and all, but he's not you" he murmurs. Geoff chuckles, "I miss you too, but I know you and Niall have it under control" he answers. Liam grins, "but I have to go Liam, I'll talk to you soon" his dad says, before the call disconnects and Liam's left to say goodbye to a dial tone.

The abrupt end to the phone call with his dad, leaves Liam shaken and distracted, he knows he's probably feeling worse then he was letting on, and didn't want Liam to know it, it frustrates the twenty five year old to no end. He's tried calling back, but no one will pick up, so he settles for texting his sister.

To Ruth: Dad just hung up on me? Everything ok?

From Ruth: Don't worry so much Li, he was just having a bad spell, didn't want to worry you

The message from his sister eases Liam's mind a little, enough that he can enjoy his rapidly cooling food, while he lays around on his couch watching Netflix. Liam tosses his now empty container onto the table and looks around his large, apartment, he's always had everything he's wanted, and he knows he lives in one of the best buildings in the city. But he can't help feeling that he's got way more than he needs, and it's times like this he just wishes he could find someone to spend his free time with. Liam craves a relationship, can't wait to start a family, and as busy as he is, it's not that he's not looking, it's just everyone he's generally interested in, isn't interested in him so much as his wallet. Liam doesn't want that, he wants what his parents have, what Niall has with Jace, someone who loves him for him, no matter what is happening. And it's with this thought on his mind that Liam drifts off to sleep on his couch, while Friends reruns play in the background. Liam wakes up around midnight, and groans before grabbing his dinner garbage and heading towards the kitchen. He throws everything away and rinses the few dishes, before flipping off the lights and making his way up to his bedroom. He's barely even laying down before he falls asleep on his large bed, but he can't help but think that it's too big, too empty, too cold.


A/N: As promised here's Liam, and Chapter two...hope you guys enjoy it, and let me know what you think.

Until next time xoxo

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