The boy let out a giggle as the snake's tongue tickled his neck. Only a loud yell arising from the house behind him ruined this moment.

"You should go, I'll see you tomorrow, spotty!" He calmly peeled the snake off of his neck, releasing it into the grass for it to slither off into the forest that surrounded his small cozy home.

Another yell signaled the last warning for the small boy who rose to his feet like a soldier on duty.

He snapped his hand to his forehead saluting the door which was still closed for just a moment more before a black white and red flagged country slammed the door open.

"Hello, father..." This new country was fuming, his hateful eyes stared down upon the small German child below him.

As if it was instinct, the child hunched over making himself seem smaller and less threatening to the older, sturdier country.

"Germany, Where the hell were you when I called the first time?" This country's voice was strong, overpowering even.

Germany peaked up for a moment, thinking of an excuse to use in his icky situation.

"I was fixing the plants... I didn't hear your call, I am sorry father..." Germany pleaded for mercy from his father but was not given any.

The taller country raised his hand before slamming his palm into the younger Germany's face with a loud 'CLAP'

Germany crumbled to the ground, clasping his face in his hand as tears filled his eyes in shock.

"Next time you will know to answer to my first call." With that, he walked off, leaving Germany on the ground, tears now streaming down his face but his face still shown in shock.

"But you didn't even need anything..."

He leveraged himself up, slowly making it onto his feet. His eyes darted around the open area, looking for anybody who would watch him, but no one was there.

Germany took this chance to dart into the woods, his right hand still tracing the red marking from his father's hand.

A small whisper sounded as Germany slowed his pace in the forest. The sun was sliding down the sky, causing the forest to be a cold whisper of trees.

Shadows surrounded him, more forming as the light from the sun dimmed. "Nazi... Are you there..?"

A smaller but way older country stepped out of the bushes that lined the trees. "Yes, I am here... What happened today, brother?"

Nazi was of course Germany's brother although he got more attention from their father he was also allowed to travel further and mess up more. Nazi followed their father in every footstep, in fact he wanted to be just like the 2nd reich.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to come out here..."

Although most favorite children abuse their power, Nazi and Germany had yet to reach that age of hating each other, in fact Nazi was the closest person to Germany at this point.

"Have you ever thought of running away, Nazi..?"

Nazi had sat down next to Germany, his hand grabbing onto Germany's shoulder in a polite, loving way.

"No-no-no, Why would we ever do that, father loves us and you know that!"

Germany mumbled a sigh, keeping his opinion to himself like usual. He forced fake belief into his words as he continued.

"Yeah, You're right, father does love us!"

Nazi shook Germany a bit in excitement.

"I'm glad you agree, well I'm going to head to bed, I'll see you in the morning!"

Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Where stories live. Discover now