Chapter One

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Madison's Point Of View

"And five, six, seven, eight. Jump, and catch" I ordered as Kal flipped Eva and she landed in his palms but then she lost her balance and the other guys caught her.

"Let's try again. We had it just now" Kal said as he helped up Eva.

"What's the use? She should have laid off the fast food over the summer. Not everyone wants to throw a fat bitch in the air" Olivia said then laughed and her smart comment earned snickers from a few other members.

"No one asked for your opinion. I am the team captain and she is fine the way she is. I don't even remember asking for your input so step back in line" I said to her.

"Excuse me?" She said scoffing

"You heard me. Step back in line before I make you" I stated. She narrowed her eyes at me challengingly.

"This isn't your team and I was just stating the obvious," She told me

"The last time I checked I am team captain and I'm the one coach left in charge. So unless you want to be running laps for the rest of the day, you step back in line. Right now" I stated walking over to her. She rolled her eyes but did as told.

"Now do we go again?" Kal asked

I nodded, watching them run the routine again. I went to sit down on the bench. It was Monday and during lunch the cheer team had practice.

Anyway, I'm Maddison Carter. The cheer captain, and I'm at the top of most of my classes. Cheer took most of time. My parents said as long as I keep my grades up, I could cheer all I wanted.

I was a senior at West Creek High. The bell rung, meaning lunch period was over.

"Okay, tomorrow we'll do the same thing. Bye guys." I said packing up the dance sheets. I made my way to my next class. I dreaded math, I wasn't the best. Once I reach the class, I took my seat near the back. The classroom almost full.

"Maddy." I felt a tap on my back, it was the girl that did my math homework a week ago. I smiled, I don't know her name.

"You are?" I asked after noticing she wasn't
gonna introduce herself.

"I'm Kelly, I did your math assignment last Tuesday." She laughed, her smile growing.

I turned forward, the teacher passing out..tests. I picked up the paper, I didn't know there was a test today.

"It's a pop quiz, I want to see who's been paying attention." Mrs. Smith announced taking her seat at the front. I looked back down at the paper in front of me.

After a slow and painful hour, I finished the test. The bell had rung thirty minutes ago but my teacher wanted everyone to take their time. I packed my things, grabbing the paper to give to the teacher. I dropped the test on her desk, walking out the room.

I saw my friends waiting for me, Eva and Kal. I couldn't be more thankful for these guys. My phone buzzed, I frowned at the caller ID.

"You have swim lesson at 12:30, where are you?" My dad asked.

My dad was a swimmer in high school. He pushed that trait onto me because Ivy League schools would notice me. My mom couldn't help me out of this anymore. She was in the hospital, her chemotherapy starting today.

"I got into Yale because I was talented and punctual." He added irritated, I could hear it.

"I'm coming home now. I had to take a test." I said sweetly. It was silent on the other end, "I'll see you later." I said and hung up the phone.

Once I reached my friends, I had to break it to them I couldn't hang out today.

"You ready? I have the perfect movies picked out." Eva said looping her arm with mine. I laughed, Eva was a movie head.

"I can't come over, I have swim lessons today." I said quickly. I checked my watch, I didn't have much time to get home.

"Kal, can you take me home?" I asked giving him puppy eyes.

The bus would take to long, walking would take even longer. The last thing I wanted was to be late. Last time I was late, my dad took away my phone.

Kal nodded, and began to walk towards the exit doors. Kal was like a brother I always wanted, we met in middle school. 

Anyway, the car ride was silent except for the low music playing.

My dad didn't talk to me at all on the way to the gym. I looked out the window, I wish I could see my mom. Anything was better then this.

The instructor made us swim laps, teaching us different techniques. I was getting sore.

"Drink some water and tough it out." My dad passed me a water. He patted my shoulder, motioning me to get back in the pool.

After 2 hours of getting wrinkled fingers and two cramps. It was all over, my dad said to put some ice on it once we got home.

"You need to start coming home right after school. I don't let you do these things just to slack off." He gripped my shoulder, passing me another water bottle. His smile never reaching his eyes.

I quietly drunk my water, looking around I spotted a vending machine.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said getting up, I brought my bag with me.

My dad ignored me, typing away on his phone. I sighed and just walked out. The hallway was empty minus the janitor mopping. I walked up to the machine, wanting and needing a crunch bar.

My dad would never let me eat a sweet. I had to keep my body weight. Watch what I eat, drink, and limit my screen time. I wasn't a child and yet he couldn't understand that.

We left the gym after I got dressed, my dad said we were visiting my mom. I was excited but part of me didn't want to walk in that building.The nurse led us to room 25b, leaving us alone with my mom.

My mom smiled at me, "you've gained weight. Derek, what have you been feeding her?" My mom laughed, it turned into a cough.

I grimaced sitting down, my mom looked pale and skinner. I grabbed her hand, multiple needles in her body.

"You need to cut back on the crunch bars, you won't be able to fit into your cheer uniform." My dad muttered.

"It wouldn't be a problem, you need some meat on the bones with all the things your dad makes you do." My mom said kissed the back of my hand.

My mom was against all the sports and lessons I had been taking. She couldn't quite tell my dad no anymore. She's in the hospital, her say didn't matter to my dad.

Before my mom was in hospital, before she was sick even. She would tell my dad, that putting my focus on school was the better option, Ivy League would look at me with amazing grades too. My dad thought it was the opposite.

Anyway, I let my my mom talk about her chemotherapy. She claimed she could feel her strength coming back. I wanted to believe her, hoping that would make her come her quicker.

"We should get going, Maddy needs to be in bed." My dad said checking his watch. He kept a schedule for me, he wanted me to "function properly."

I sighed kissing my mom goodbye. She gripped my hand. "I'll see you tomorrow." She waved me off.

I nodded grabbing my bag from my dad.



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