Season 1-3 (Dead In The Water)

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"What's wrong?" Dean asked. Hayden was quiet for a second.

"I just don't know what they're saying." She stated.

"'They'? Who's they?" He asked.

"I don't know but they whisper. I don't know what they're saying." She answered.

Sam looked at her seeing she was bothered.

"It's alright Hayden. We'll figure it out." He said. Hayden only stayed quiet. Sam and Dean shared a glance before they both looked at Hayden. This was clearly bothering her as she held a frown on her face.


Sam and Dean greeted the sheriff at his station. Hayden went with them considering she didn't want to stay in the car all day.

"Now I'm sorry but why does the Wildlife Service care about an accidental drowning?" The sheriff asked Sam and Dean as he opened the gate for the three.

"Hayden wait out here okay?" Dean said pointing to the chairs outside of the sheriff's office. She pouted.

"We have to talk business in there. You know that." He said. She mumbled an Okay and sat in one of the chairs with her favorite book. Dean sighed at the child and followed his brother into the sheriff's office.

Hayden couldn't even focus on her book. She was sure that she could help them. In all the time she had been with Sam and Dean, her development had improved greatly. Considering that she was something supernatural, her brain development grew at a greater speed. She was understanding her abilities more and trying her best to use them to help Sam and Dean. Granted her being a 5 year old there were still basic things she didn't understand.

Hayden sighed and closed her book, placing it in the chair next to her. She looked up seeing a boy a couple years older than her standing directly in front of her. She frowned at him, not only because he was in her personal bubble, but also because she could hear the whispers around him... the same whispers she heard by the water.

The boy just stood there staring at her silently.

"Hello." She said. The boy only stared at her without responding.

"I'm Hayden." She tried again. She wanted to know if he could hear them too. However, the boy walked over to the sheriff's office, standing behind his mom.

Hayden watched as Dean said something to him and he immediately walked away. He walked past Hayden and his mother followed behind him. Hayden watched his mom give him crayons and white paper. She frowned looking closely at the boy. His aura was weird. It's like something was covering it. She really couldn't tell with this boy. All she knew was that the whispers were around him too.

Hayden walked over to Sam and Dean, standing next to Dean. She started to think again. She wondered if she should tell them that the whispers are around the boy. The whispers aren't helping them right now though. But the whispers were her only lead. Hayden sighed and decided against saying anything.

"Well," the sheriff started bringing Hayden from her thoughts but not for long, "if there's anything you need help with, let me know." He said showing the brothers to the door. Dean walked out first. Sam grabbed Hayden's hand, as she was too lost in her thoughts to be focused on anything happening around her, and followed behind his brother.

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