His hands moved back to my waist as his leg left its position. My hands took his as I turned around. I danced and intertwined mine in his, on my hips, no doubt giving him more encouragement. He lucked out as other girls dancing nearby weren't so open to their partners. The song ended and a slower one took its place. 

My mystery marine bent slightly from behind to whisper something in my ear.

"Thank you." 


Deep purples and oranges lit up the pending night. It was beautifully breathtaking. I stared at the skyline beyond the bar, my thoughts all over the place. The marine had slipped away when I turned around and I wasn't sure which one of the muscled men I had danced with. I knew his outfit, so I could possibly identify him that way. But right now I looked at the sky. 

"Your drink." 

The bartender had slid a colorful cocktail in front of me. 

"I didn't order that...just another Modelo please." 

He grinned and used his chin to nod at the end of the bar where a group of marines stood. 

"It's from the one in the grey tee. You want me to send it back?" 

I shook my head, pulling the cold glass towards me. 

"No, thanks. I'll take it." 

"Don't worry, no one slipped anything in it. I made it right, ya?" 

The bartender was local. He wouldn't mess with a fellow local like myself. It's just an unwritten code of honor around here. I nod and give him a closed lip grin before taking a sip. It was delicious. My eyes wandered past the bartender to the group of marines. There he was. 

My marine...

The one who I danced with. He was watching me. Tan, tall, ripped from working out and plain working as the marines here did. His hair was dark and closely cropped though not that short on the top. He clearly liked to push boundaries as far as the regulations go. My grandpa and dad used to both be marines so I had exposure to it throughout my life. 

A song began as we looked at each other. 

He wasn't smiling, but his buddies noticed my attentions and slapped him on the back, grinning and talking. Probably telling him to come over. I sipped the drink more as his eyes slid to my mouth. I knew he was watching me. It had been so long since a man had given me attention like this and I was on autopilot. I let the straw slide out of my mouth and I  licked my bottom lip. He shifted his stance, watching me. His eyes were back on mine. Without hesitation I mouthed something to him before turning to go back to the dance floor. 

'Thank you'. 

Feeling the music again and the alcohol now sliding through my veins, I began to dance in the middle of the crowded floor. It was fully dark, the stars glittering above us. This side of the island was free from light pollution that you'd find closer to Honolulu. I liked the seclusion better. It suited me. A well built surfer I knew from breaks came dancing in front of me. He gripped me roughly as we made eye contact. 

I found the local surfers to be pretty good looking, for the most part, so it didn't bother me that he chose me to dance with. 

"You surf Bellows a lot eh? I see you there...I'm Chaz." He said loudly near my ear. 

He ground himself into me as I replied back. 

"Yeah. I'm local. Mila." I replied loudly back. 

He seemed to like that response and danced much more provocatively than the marine had. 

The marine.

I looked around as the song ended, hoping to see him. Wanting him to dance with me again. Another song began to play and the surfer noticed my attention shifting so he let me go with a wink and latched onto a blonde woman next to me. 

I kept dancing, alone again, but still within the crowd. The air crackled with a sexual feel as clubs often make it do. Was I ready to be 'awakened' and thrust back into regular life? I dampened the thoughts with sound. Moved my body and let the alcoholic buzz take over. Then I felt familiar hands on my hips again from behind. 


This time I wanted to see his face. 

I turned and he placed his hands on my lower back, pulling me gently into him. Looking up our eyes met. Hazel brilliance made my breath catch in my throat. He was stunningly handsome. We danced as if one person, melted together. I turned my head so I wasn't staring at him anymore. He reached up with one hand, the other firmly on my back in a possessive nature, and stroked the base of my neck. Stray hair grazing his skin. 

I could feel myself getting wet, down below in my tight Levi's. This was unexpected, the level of excitement my body was giving off. I hoped he didn't know I had this response to his touch. I would never be just a one night stand. Never could. I let my cheek rest on his chest as I gripped his forearms. He smelled faintly like expensive cologne. I wanted the song to keep going, but as it often does at clubs, it transitioned to another. 

He slowly loosened his grip on me and I glanced up again. 

"I'm Luca." He said softly, a hint of sexual tension to it. 

I bit my bottom lip as his eyes drank me in, replying in kind.


**This story is only found on Wattpad. If found on another site, it was stolen. Thank you for reading.💋**

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