S1E28: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 5)

Comenzar desde el principio

In the middle of the city we awe Turbospike, Madison and Brawn fighting off Decepticon forces as they were flanking them at all sides. Madison hits a few head shots with her pistol and Turbospike also hits some head shots with his sniper rifle. Brawn punch some Decepticon troopers if they come too close as they were holding their ground when suddenly bullets rain down as Blackout in hid helicopter gorm open fires at them.

Brawn: Grab cover!

They did so bur Turbospike's reaction was too late as a bullet hits Turbospike in the shoulder as he yell in pain.

Madison: Turbospike!

She rushed over to him to patch his wounds while Blackout continues to fire at them. Brawn sees this and grabs a empty car and throws it at Blackout which hits him, forcing him to fall down and crash onto thr ground.

Blackout transform into hid bot form and fired bolts as the bolts heads towards Madison and Turbospike but Brawn gets in front of them and gets shot. He started to bleed out of energon as Brawn slowly gets up and tells the two.

Brawn: Scrap, we gonna be outnumbered if we stay here for long! You two, get out of here! I'll hold them off!

Madison: Brawn no! That's suicide, you'll die!

Brawn: (smirk) You kidding? I have been shot, crushed and blown up by these cons. I'll be fine now go!

With no choice Madison takes Turbospike arm and they escape while Blackout charges towards Brawn which Brawn smirked and leaps out of cover and rushes towards him.

Brawn: (smirk) Bring it on Decepticon scum!

Brawn tackled Blackout to the ground and gets on top of him as he starts beaten him up several times until Blackout pulls out a chainsaw like arm and swings it at Brawn which he dodged and grabs his arm and ripped off his chainsaw arm.

Blackout let out a yell while Brawn turned his left arm intoa drill arm and thrust it towards Blackout but he grabs Brawns arm and holds it as Brawn tries to push his drill down to Blackout but Blackout tossed him aside as Brawn slammed onto the ground as Blackout slowly gets up and aimed his ion arm cannon at Brawn and fired a few bolts which hits Brawn a few times.

The final shot sent Brawn flying and he crashed onto the ground, more energon came out of Brawn while Blackout walks up to him as he stood over him.

Blackout: Not so tough are you Autobot?

Brawn: (smirk) Of course I arm.

Blackout aims his ion arm cannon at Brawn, ready to kill him but Brawn slaps his cannon to a oil tank next to Brawn as Blackout accidentally fired it and seconds later there was a huge explosion.

Among the fire we see the offline Blackout crashed into a battle and completely broken as he lost his left arm and bits of his body while Brawn is barely online as he look up at the sky as he smirk to himself while he mutter out.

Brawn: (smirk) Now that was........awesome.

Once that he gose offline and dies along with Blackout as we cut to Zero, Prowl, Sideswipe, Night-Claw and Abby taking out a few Decepticon forces as Madison and Turbospike rushed over to them.

Prowl: Where's Brawn?

They look down as Prowl and the others realised that he is gone. Then they hear the roar of Trypticon as they turn to see Trypticon destroying anything in his path.

Madison: Is there any way we can beat him?

Prowl: I don't know we can. We need more heavy fire power to deal with Trypticon.

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