Epilogue: Our Beginning

Start from the beginning

First, she didn't have a particular thing her Core Ability manifested as. It was whatever she imagined.
Second—well, actually, that was the only reason Aureate could think of at the moment. By that logic, Aureate would classify as a Type T Chorian—Technical. Those Chorians were categorized in a sense that they did not fit underneath any other categories, or they fit under multiple categories at once.

So, Aureate was a Technical Chorian. Then why did Luz call her a Convoker? Because of her eye color. Normally, someone's Cora Type could be determined based on their eye color. The eye color Aureate had was the color of a Convoker.. not a Type T. So did that make her a Convoker and a Technical Chorian? She wasn't very sure. So, she decided to keep calling herself a Convoker until proven otherwise.

It was quite convoluted.

Moving along, Aureate's friends had been doing good as well. Or at least, most of them were. Pea and Nick seemed to be working things out between them, Smoke, Willow, and Cybrus were getting along nicely, picking each other up when one of them falls down. Along with that, Oliver, Lorelei, Zale and Constance seemed to be branching out more rather than keeping to themselves. Pea, Willow, and Oliver can often be seen hanging out and doing classwork together. Constance and Zale got along well with Smoke, while Lorelei was starting to find a friend in Nicholas.

She was glad. Everything was going so well.

Or at least, that's what she would've thought if Flare hadn't been so.. weird lately. Whenever she did talk, it was to say something neutral, bordering on nice. Harmonia thought it was weird. Pea thought it was weird. Buckwheat thought it was weird. For some reason, it gave Aureate the feeling that she was going to leave soon.

That was one thing to worry about, but what Harmonia told her one week after the creation of House Solarex was even worse.

"I'm not sure what my reason for bein' here is no more, princess. I thought it was to serve you for awhile, but I've been feelin' a tad confused 'bout that lately."


"Don't be sad. It ain't like I'm plannin' on ditchin' you or anythin'. After all, you're one of my closest pals. I just need.. more of a reason to stay, y'know?"

Aureate suggested she keep helping Flare. Harmonia and Willow were the only ones that could get close to Flare without getting bit, she noticed. As a matter of fact, when Aureate mentioned she was going to make House Solarex, it took both their combined efforts to convince Flare to come with them.

She was concerned for the snapdragon, but there wasn't much she could do. If Flare wanted to leave, she could. She would always have Aureate's best wishes with her.

It was Stelora.

Stelora had been staying at House Solarex since it was founded, just like everyone else. She was even the one who suggested the team name–the Sunfall Allegiance—which Aureate got everyone to agree to. It was a good name, but was it permanent? She wasn't too sure.

"The Sunfall Allegiance," had a nice ring to it, but Luz, in the back of her mind, complained about how narrow it was. He wasn't wrong–it was centered around the Sunfall Kingdom, while Gembearers were meant to protect all of Choria. At the same time, Aureate had argued, not everyone in House Solarex was a Gembearer, which meant they could stick with it for now.

"How are you feeling?" Aureate asked.

Stelora was unconscious for only a day after Aureate used Shade Purge on her (Luz told her that was what the move was called—the one where she removed the corruption inside of Stelora), and it was when she woke up that Aureate discovered she was a Gembearer too.

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