The kitchen area's almost as impressive as the living room. All appliances were hi-tech and everything's lustrous silvery and black.

I went straight to the huge double door refrigerator and checked for ingredients. I decided to for my usual breakfast way back in the farmhouse which is compose of waffle, sausages, bacon and mushroom soup. I won't deny that I am a delectable appetite. It's still a mystery where I put all those carbs I take in because I still remained slender and fit. 

I prepared the batter first for the waffle and while waiting for it to cook, I also chopped the mushrooms and went on with the soup. When the soup's almost done and the waffles too, I fried the sausages and bacons.

I set everything on the kitchen island. Since I am eating alone, I reject the idea of eating on the vast dining area. Eating alone in a huge place makes me feel so alone. Even if I am, still. 

I sat on the high chair and started eating. Right in the middle of my meal, my phone pinged, which means I received a notification from the states gossip Miles subscribed me. I usually don't care, but since the newspapers aren't here yet, then maybe I can use I a little news—be it rumors.


One of the most sought after bachelor of today's generation, Nikkolaus Spencer, was seen last night at the most exclusively talked about party of the year, which was hosted by one of the most influential family in the states, with a girl. That's right peeps. Seems like, spency out on leash again—or not.

Sources confirmed that the long lost Missing-in-action young man came at the party alone. But then on, paparazzi caught him at the secluded area of the party venue—with a girl? 

A witness added that the two love birds were seen laughing around and having a good time with their own little party. Hmmmn. 

Has Spencer really moved on from last year's incident, or is the mystery girl the reason why he's been away for a while.

Blah blah blah...

I felt like I had done the ice bucket challenge. I literally froze as I stare at Nikko and I's photo from last night. My face wasn't into view but if you know me you can easily tell it was me. From the picture, Nikko was smiling widely like he's laughing at the best joke on the best time of his life. If I didn't the truth, I'd also think Nikko's with his girlfriend. He looked so all lovey dovey with this girl. Gulp. Have Pierre seen this?

Ugh, Ronnie! Stop it! He might even bother himself with these... craps. Besides, if ever he did, I don't think it'll matter. I bit my lip.

Just then that I had placed down my phone, it started ringing and the ID flashes Nikko's name.

"Ronnie, I'm sorry." Was the first thing he said right after I answered his call.

"Sorry for what?" still being lightheaded, I almost forgot he's supposedly linked into me. "Oh, that." to tell you frankly, I don't know what to say. But I think it'd be quite unfair for Nikko if I get mad at him for something he doesn't have control. I mean, paparazzi are paparazzi. In my opinion, they'd be forever haunting and preying for those unguarded moments especially when you're a someone—who made me realize how big of a person Nikko is.

"I'm really sorry about that, Ron. My team's already on it. Don't worry. I won't get you dragged into this mess." I can already hear the frustration in his voice. I remembered what he said last night about power and fame which is engulf for coming from a very influential family and how much he hates it. hmmn. Last night he told he's been away for a while, which was seconded by the news. I wonder why he left. IS it because of the pressure? The hassle of being popular and influential? Com'n, everything has its pitfalls. But the news also said something about last year's incident. What happened last year?

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