Girlfriend? {8}

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It's been a week and haven't heard anything from Jung Kook. We don't even snap anymore or anything like that.

Me and the others were hanging out today. And everyone actually came. Min Seok, Jung Ho, Sang Won, Min Gyu, Hyung Woo. Hye Jin, Ji Eun, Seo Hyun, Chae Young. We were all here today.

And my plan with Jung Kook actually worked. Min Gyu didn't like me anymore. He gave up and he actually has a girlfriend now.

But anyways.

We went out to eat now cause we were all hungry. We sat at a table and just started talking. "Chae Won you haven't been talking about Jung Kook lately is something wrong?" Hyung Woo said. "Oh well we broke up" I said and looked down. "WHAT" they all yelled. I didn't tell the girls about what happened between me and Jung Kook so they were surprised too.


We were all on our way home. The time was 9pm and it was Friday. I was exited for tomorrow cause I'm gonna hang out with Eun Jeong and Mi suk.


It was now Saturday and I was getting ready to hang out with Eun Jeong and Mi Suk. I took the train to their town. I finally arrived at their train station. But now I needed to walk all the way to Eun Jeongs house it takes 20 minutes to get there. So it wasn't that bad.

I looked at my phone and then I bumped into someone. My phone fell on the floor and the guy I bumped into picked it up. When we stood up and looked up. I had smile on my lip but it changed when I saw Jung Kook. We looked at each other but didn't say a word.

Then we both heard someone yell "Jung Kook" It was Kim Tae Hyung he ran up to Jung Kook and Ji Min right after. They saw me and then it got silent again.

"Ohh hey Chae Won" Tae Hyung then said. "It's been a while since we last saw you" Ji Min said. "Yeah your right" I then said and smiled.

It got silent again.

"Jung Kook? Can we talk?" I asked him. He didn't say anything but he took my wrist and went somewhere else.

"What is it?" He said. "I just want to say sorry. I shouldn't have talk like that and it wasn't even the reason I was just to scared to say what really was wrong" I then said.

"Then what was wrong?" He asked me. "The guys told me you liked me before all of this and I kinda like yo-" before I could say anything else someone interrupted it.

"Jung Kook babe" A girl said and hugged Jung Kook. "Who is she?" She asked. "She's just an old friend" Jung Kook answered. "I should go" I then said.

I went. Before I could even think about what happen tears streamed down my face. Tae Hyung saw me and stopped me. "Chae Won are you okay?" He took me somewhere else that wasn't close to Jung Kook at all.

"What happened" Tae Hyung asked. "I-i-i. Does Jung Kook has a girlfriend?" I asked and could feel a tear roll down my cheek. "Yeah I'm sorry" Tae Hyung said. "No it's okay. It was my fault anyways" I said. "But I gotta go" I then said.

I got longer and longer away from Tae Hyung. I looked at my phone and saw many missed calls from Eun Jeong and Mi Suk.

I called Mi Suk. "Where are you?" Mi Suk asked. "I-i-I'm on my way" I said. "Are you crying Chae Won?" Eun Jeong asked over Mi Suk's phone.

I didn't answer.

"Where are you we are coming" they said. "I don't know" I said cried again. "Okay take your snap map on okay?" The girls said. "Okay". The phone call ended and I did as they told me.

Before I could do anything else. Someone hugged me from behind. I could see who it was from the clothes the person had on.

It was Jung Kook. "I'm sorry" he whispered. He pulled away from the hug and I turned around so I could see him.

"Are you okay?" He said and began to remove my tears with his hand. "I'm fine" I said and sniffed.

We sat on a bench. "Shes not my girlfriend" he said. "Tae Hyung told me she was" I then said. "The guys just thought so it's just some girl I met sometime ago" he said.

"Chae Won I like yo-"

"CHAE WON" Eun Jeong yelled. They run up to us. "Finally we found you" Mi Suk said. "Oh hey Jung Kook" they said and Jung Kook just waved.

"Come Chae Won let's go" Eun Jeong said and we left. When we came to Eun Jeong's house they didn't ask me any questions and I was happy for that.

I decided to just have a fun day with my friends and forget about what happend with Jung Kook just for today. I decided to sleep over at Eun Jeong's house.


It was now Sunday and I've just got home from Eun Jeong. It was just a chill day today.


Chapter 8 is done now

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