Fuck, Fuck, fuck me up

Start from the beginning

You take off your scrubs and change into your own clothes. You grabbed your jacket and put it on. You say your goodbyes and smiles.

"Bye Jean" you say to the receptionist and he smiles back at you.

"Bye (y/n)" he says a light blush coating his cheeks.

People were so trusting of you. You wondered why. You did give off a weird vibe you knew that for a fact. Dogs would bark their heads off at you while stray cats seemed to surround you at every moment. Almost like they were intrigued by you, and you had cat snacks at all times.

You get into your car checking the time once more. You'd have to just head straight over to where Will was lecturing. You felt like a school girl to be honest. The feeling of butterflies flew in your stomatch.

You looked down at your buzzing phone. Billy was calling so that meant Stu would be on the line as well. You answered steering with one hand on the wheel.

"Sup" you greeted.

You were greeted with Stu loudly taking over the phone 'WAZZUPPP'. You let out a small chuckle as you hear Billy hit Stu.


"Can it Dolt!" Billy insulted Stu and you could hear shuffling.

"Anyways me and Stu wanted to ask if you were free tonight" Billy says.

"Mmm no sorry not tonight" You say checking your watch.

Fuck this traffic. You tapped your finger rapidly against the wheel. Fuck it. You busted a bitch your wheels screeching as you did so. You took the backway pressing on your accelerator.

"Aweee why not baby" Stu whines.

"Busy is all" you tell him.

"With what?" Billy says and you heard a thud.

Billy probably pushed Stu off the bed. The though made you smile.

"Buisness is all" you say lying through your teeth.

"What buisness" Billy prodds.

"Look I'll let you know when I can hang okay and tell Tate he still ows me 20 bucks" you say.

"(Y/n) please come over soon, Tate keeps threatening to shoot us" Stu says.

"Well you decided to let him be your roomate" you said with a grin.

"As if your roommates are any better" you hear Tates voice over the phone.

"Tate, baby stop threatening to shoot Billy and Stu" you say into the phone.

"Why does he get to be callled baby?!" Sti loudly complains into the phone.

You hang up on them. You had arrived at Wills lecture, a little late but still. It's better late then never you suppose. You put your phone on Dnd. Do not disturb.

You walked in your flat heels clicking against the floor. It was a nice echo as you walked the sound bouncing off the walls. As you enter you notice everyone in their seats but there, Will was at the center of it all.

His messy brown hair was illuminated under the dim light. He was leaned against the podium as his ass was pressed against the counter. He refused to make eye contact with the crowd as be flips through the images of your murders.

"This person is highly intelligent" he says as he looks at the photo behind him.

"Interestingly enough they leave no evidence behind, that means they know what we are looking for, best guess they work in law enforcement" he says as he glances up at the crowd.

Bloody tears of a final girl (Slashers x F!reader)Where stories live. Discover now