The First One (Reiner x Bertholdt)

Start from the beginning

Gabi had been in her room for about 3 hours now. He had checked on her, and saw that she had fallen asleep.

He was debating between taco soup or making lasagna.

While making a mental list in his head he heard a scream from Gabi's bedroom.

Gabi had tossed and turned during her nap. Her back hurt, her head hurt, and her stomach her.

Finally the pain was becoming too much to sleep through.

She got up, thinking she needed to go to the bathroom.

When she stood up, see looked at her bed.

What she saw made her scream in horror.

Reiner raced up the stairs. He found Gabi's door open.

"Gabi!?!? Are you ok??"

But her room was empty. He was about to check the other rooms when he saw the blood splotches on the bed.


He went back out into the hall, and saw that the hall bathroom light was shining in the gap between the bottom of the door and the floor.

Reiner knocked on the door. "Gabi are you ok?!? Did you cut yourself?"

Reiner was panicking, he was worried Gabi had done something to herself.

"Reiner I'm bleeding!!! My stomach hurts, and I don't know why I'm bleeding"

All Reiner needed to hear before his mind jumped to the worst possible scenario.

"Gabi we need to go to the hospital! Open the door."

"It's unlocked" said Gabi in between sobs.

Gabi was sitting against the bathtub, holding her stomach.

Reiner picked her up and they were off.

It was a pretty quiet shift Marely Memorial's emergency department.

Bertholdt was grateful, normally the ER was flooded with flu cases this time of year.

"So how are things going with Gabi?" His coworker Sasha asked.

"It's been hard. Both Reiner and Gabi are still grieving and the holidays aren't making it easier"

"Yeah it's been almost 10 years, but Kaya still struggles during holidays"

"How's your Christanukah going?" Bertholdt asked as he finished typing notes into a patient's file.

"It's the 3rd night so 3rd night of gifts, and making Christmas cookies!" Sasha said. "I'll be sure to save you some!"

"Thanks I-"

"Bertholdt!!!" Colt called out. "Your boyfriend is here with a young girl. She looks like she's not doing well."

Bertholdt hurried out to the triage area.


"Bert? I don't know what's happening, she's bleeding and her stomach hurts"

"Braun??" the triage nurse called out.

Bertholdt followed them into one of the triage rooms.

"So what's going on?" The nurse asked.

"I think she is bleeding internally!!" Reiner blurted out. "She says she's got blood coming out know"

The nurse nodded typing into the computer.

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