A Modest Proposal (Reiner x Bertholdt & Ymir x Historia)

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Historia was putting the finishing touches on her make up. Ymir was feeding the cats, Sansa and Aria.

"Historia are you ready? I told Bertholdt we would be there by 7:15ish"

"Yes love, just need to get my shoes on. Can you get the tuxedo cake I made out of the fridge?"

Historia slipped on her brown leather boots, and headed down stairs. Hearing the fridge door open and close, as she made her way to the kitchen.

"I'm telling you sweetheart you should just quit your job and open a bakery."

Historia laughed, "but I love my kids, all 24 of them. Besides if things go well tonight I'll be taking time off work anyways."

Sansa rubbed up against Historia's leg purring. She scratched her behind the ears. "We will be back soon pretty girl".

The 2 got into Ymir's Jeep Cherokee and headed out.

Historia was already clicking her nails. Something she did when she was nervous. Ymir reached over and gently grabbed her hand.

"Relax, you seem just as tense as you were when you came out to your parents."

Historia snorted, "and we saw how that worked out"

"It's getting a little better, you and your mom are on speaking terms again since she divorced your dad." Ymir said.

Historia let out a sigh.

"Plus they get us, I'm sure they will be happy to help, it or like they have to do the hard part", Ymir said.

Historia couldn't help by smile. But then again it wasn't hard for Ymir to make her smile.

The oven timer started beeping.

"Reiner, can you get the lasagna out of the oven" Bertholdt called over his shoulder. He was busy chopping lettuce and vegetables for a salad.

"Got it", Reiner bent over to open the oven, pulling out a hot and steaming pan of Bertholdt's homemade lasagna, his grandmother's recipe. The cheese perfectly browned on top.

"Rei have you set the table yet? The bread is on the kitchen island, and so is the roasted garlic olive oil."

"Kinda went a bit all out Bert" Reiner said placing plates at the table.

"You know me, I like to entertain. Plus it gives me an excuse to cook, which I don't get to do much right now."

"They are bringing the wine right?" Reiner asked.

"Mmhmm" said Bertholdt tasting the salad dressing he just whisked up in a small bowl. "Here try this" he held out a small spoon to Reiner's mouth.

Reiner nodded his head in approval. "Im telling ya, not sure why you are going to go through the stress of nursing school 2.0, just open a restaurant you and your coworker Sasha could make bank"

"It's more than Nursing School 2.0, I'm studying to become a Nurse Practitioner, better pay, better hours, more time to spend with you and Charlie."

The yellow lab lifted his head at the mention of his name. Looking with wide eyes to his fur dad. Bertholdt tossed him a piece of carrot.


"Ugh I'm always so jealous of their house" Ymir said as they pulled into the driveway.

"Well you gotta remember, Bertholdt's parents have helped a bit. The needed a home with space after Reiner's accident in Iraq." Historia said getting out of the car.

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