Chapter 7

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Ellie's POV.

I wake up to find myself not upside down, not on a branch and not at the staircase but on a soft comfy couch, this could only mean 1 thing! I'm in heaven! Finally! No more worries! But it kinda looks hobo for a heaven.. I would imagine it with clouds.. clouds everywhere! I turn to my write to see the guy with the mask walk up to me with a bowl of- cereal? But I already have food! Oh well! Free food for meh!

Ellie: umm.. I wouldn't think heaven would look like this.. Are you also dead or are you just an illusion?

He just stands still then bursts out laughing placing the bowl on the table next to me

??: we're still in hell, kid!

Ellie: yea! yea! Haha!

I said sarcastically said taking the bowl of cereal and begin to eat the cereal while watching him laughing on the floor but then stops as he stands up laughing a bit wiping a tear

??: so.. why did you pass out? You were able to handle one and you still passed out

He said sitting down at the end of the sofa, that memory flashes back as I see my mom as a zombie.. My mom is a zombie.. I stay silent and look down, I then begin to tear up- how could have this happened? She doesn't deserve this! She doesn't deserve to die! She never did! If it was dad then I would've shot him right away!

??: what's going on here- oh gosh..

I look up still crying to see the girl with red hair walk up to me giving me a hug and rubbing my back

??: what's wrong?

Ellie: the one he hit on the head.. that was my mom..

??: oh.. Well, what's your name?

Ellie: it's Elizabeth but people call me Ellie

??: Well, Ellie.. I'm Red, this is Cry, the guy with glasses is Russ and the guy with a bandanna on his head is Snake. How did you end up in the forest?

Cry: wow! You answer HER questions?!

Red: Cry!

Cry: sorry!

Red: now.. what happened?

I explained to her about the accident and other shit like that and all she does is nod, after my explanation she just looks down then looks around her pockets then pulls out her phone, it took a few minutes she then shows me a picture.. It's the letter that I left at the house I went in!

Red: I knew someone else would need it more than we did so I just took a picture of it

Cry: we also got one of the letters that you attached back at the forest

He said taking a digital camera out and showing my the photo

Red: we're here for you Ellie! Don't worry! Now let's get some sleep!

Ellie: but I just woke up!

Red: then you can take the night shift with Cry and Snake!

Cry: why do me and Snake always have to be partners?

Red: because! me and Russ are a couple!

Cry: you've already used that excuse countless times!

Red: whatever, your job with them is to get supplies from the grocery at the next street to the right

Snake: woah woah woah! WOAH! Hold on there smarty pants!

Red: Snake! How long have you been here?

Snake: since now after I woke up like 5 seconds ago! She's just a teen! She like about I don't know!

Ellie: 16?

Snake: 16! 16 fucking years old! And you expect her last long tonight?! There are walkers out there and guns won't help! When she shot one of the walkers, it just attracted more of them! If you didn't pass out then we wouldn't have to baby you!

Red: she lasted one night!

Snake: says who?

Red: she said so herself!

Ellie: Walkers?

Snake: yea! Those son of a bitches just keep wobbling around like a bunch of dingalings!

Russ: what's going on here? What's all the yelling?

Red: hey babe! I just allowed Ellie to do the night shift with Cry and Russ

Russ: who's Ellie?

Red points to me and I raise my hand

Russ: oh.. Wait what?!

Red: come on Russ! Work with me here! If she didn't survive then she couldn't have with us right now! If she was determined to survive just to look for her mom then she must be determined to avenge her!

Russ: is it true, Ellie?

Ellie: anything for my mom

Red: great! Now go pack while me and Russ check if it's clear enough for you guys to go!

Ellie: but it's too dark out there!

Red: some lamp posts are still working!

Ellie: some?

Red: yea, some!

Ellie: *huff* well.. All I need left is a weapon I guess

Cry: Ellie

I turn around to see Cry holding a shovel

Cry: catch

He tosses the shovel as I catch it- it's a bit lighter than I thought it would be

Red: here, you might need this

I turn to Red and she hands me a bow and sling bag of arrows as I take it and thank her

Russ: why are you so light on her?

Red: what do you mean?

Russ: you never let anyone borrow your bow and arrows

Red: don't worry, I trust her. Besides, she's like a sister that I never had! Do you know how to use these?

Ellie: yep! But not professionally good at handling these

Red: good enough for me!

She pats me on the back and heads over to Russ who is out the window looking down as she does too

Russ: Cry, Snake, Ellie! Come here!

The three of us run over to Russ and Red as they tell us to look down, we look down and it doesn't seem too bad but the thing is there is a shit ton of them at the park

Russ: So.. the grocery store is at the next street to your right and the weapon store is next to the park, so here's what you guys have to do! You have to begin taking stuff at the weapon store, the only weapons you can get are rifles, shotguns, katana, crossbows and smoke bombs.. After that, you guys get back here while me and Red handle hiding the weapons cause who knows what there might be more survivors out there that will stop at nothing to get everything they need or maybe more than that! After handing us the weapons you guys would have to walk to the grocery since taking a motorcycle makes too much sound and a bike can also make sounds so just walk and watch where you guys are going, got it? Here is one sack and Red's backpack since she only had a phone in there, she keeps saying that a bow and arrow is enough

Red: okay! You're talking about me as if I'm not here!

Russ: whatever! You guys ready?

Cry, Ellie, Snake: yep!

Russ: good, now go!

Survival of the Dead (Cryaotic w/ Late Night Crew)Where stories live. Discover now