Chapter 3

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I slowly open my eyes to find myself upside down, argh! Shit! How do I get out of here?! I take of my seat belt and look at the driver seat to find mom not there anymore- where did she go? I look around to find an exit and I guess the only way to get out of the car is to smash the window, I kick the window with my foot 'till it smashes which I successfully did, I crawl out of the window to look at my surroundings I then see the creature that me and mom ran into but it was still alive and it was under the car, it has really pale skin, has strings of- I need to write this down! I grab my journal and write down on what it looks like and write a message to my mom under the creature's description

Dear mom,

I went out to look for you, I'm gonna take some of my stuff with me since I'm going to look for you.. I only took a few clothes, food and drinks.. Including my gadgets but don't mind calling me since it's low signal here. If anyone else reads this please give this to my mom.


I draw mom's face since I've been practicing a lot on arts, I rip the note from my journal and stick the paper on the car with a stick- yep! I just jammed it on the car! I grab my gym bag and my traveling bag and I just bring 2 shirts, 2 jeans, 1 jacket, 1 pair of shoes, my phone, earphones, iPad, iPad and phone case, journal, 2 pens, 3 bottles of water, 2 energy bars, a jar of cookies, 2 energy drinks, 10 candies, and maybe my recording tapes just in case.. I only have 7 so shit! Looks pretty stuffed and heavy but my gym bag is big enough for all these stuff and it's light for me since I've been working out. After packing up all of them in my gym bag, I look at the creature which is still trying to get out of the car then I notice something, in it's pocket it has a gun.. I think I might need it but if it has no ammo then it would be a complete waste of time! I grab a nearby stick then push his head away from the gun then I reach in to grab it- yes! I have the gun! The creature then grabs my ankle and I drop down on the floor, shit! So not worth it! So not worth it! Is there any ammo in here?! Only one way to find out! I aim the gun at it's head and before it could bite me I shoot it right in the head! I'm alive?! I'm alive! And that fucker is dead! I hear moaning and groaning and the sound is getting louder, I turn around and see more of the creatures coming my way- shit! I get up, grab my bag, put the gun in my front pocket and run the opposite side from where those things are coming from cause I don't wanna die like this! I kept on running and keeping up my pace and I then see a house- yes! I hope there is something good in here and there is no creature in there which I may doubt.. I run to the gate, shit! It's locked, I could hear those things getting closer- umm. Shit! I have no choice but to go over the fence, I throw my bag over the fence but gets stuck up there, stupid bag! I climb over the fence, grab my bag and run inside the back sliding door.. Wait! How come the gate is locked but the back sliding door isn't? Eh, I'm in already! I close the sliding door and lock it, I look around to see that it's a very nice place in here, not luxurious but I really like the vintage style of the place.. Very nice! I then hear the creatures' sound and I hide under the next to the window so I can peek through if they see me and.. Hold it! They're sensing something! Oh! Never mind! I need to write this thing down! I grab my journal and my pen and begin to write it down


This is so fucked up! I don't even know what happened in the first place! All I remember is.. Me and mom were running away from dad then we saw this weird looking creature then BAM! We car crashed! I'm noticing the fact that these creatures die when it's shot on the head, there may be a chance that it's heart doesn't work and only uses it senses which comes from the brain- not that I'm a genius! I'm not fucking Einstein! So.. All I know is aim for the head and avoid from making too much sound since it might detect them cause when I was looking at them, one of them were looking at me so I was like SHIT but it then ignored me and just moved on with it's life! So.. Remember 3 things!

• Avoid making too much sound
• Aim for the head
• Survive

That's about it! Now I have to save MY ass off!

~ Survivor of the Dead 01

I rip the paper out of my journal and look around to find a knife, I tip toe outside and pin the note with the knife at the wooden fence which is facing away from the house, I back away slowly 'till I reach the glass door, I close the sliding door and as I find a man in front of me pointing a gun at me

??: who are you?

Survival of the Dead (Cryaotic w/ Late Night Crew)Where stories live. Discover now