Chapter 6

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Ellie's POV.

I've been walking in like forever! Left and right, running and walking! Jebus! I sit down on a stump and take out my energy drink and take one big gulp out of it, sweet refreshing taste of Gatorade! I put my energy back in my bag and begin to walk either deeper or out of the forest, I turn around to hear voices and they're not the sound of the creatures, I walk a bit back to find.. him.. the guy wearing the mask with a girl with red hair, a guy wearing glasses and a guy wearing a bandanna on his head and they're.. HEADING THIS WAY! SHIT! I run back to where the stump was and snatch my gym bag from the stump and run as fast as I could- I can't have them find me! What will they do to me?! Who knows what they'll do to me! I run and slow down a bit and see the town.. It's a complete mess.. Cars crashed, broken windows, knocked down doors, blood splattered on some walls, barrels on fire but not the inflammable ones, not a single soul here but those creatures.. I walk around the place slowly making sure not to gain the creatures' attention, I turn around hoping that they don't see- shit they do! They begin running up to me then I run too, there isn't much to step on that would cause noise so that's good but the bad thing is.. THEY'RE AFTER ME!! I run around the alleyways dodging and trying to loose them but I get surrounded

??: kid, just let us talk to you

the girl with red hair said, I hope my soccer work was worth it, I run over to the boy with the bandanna and slide under him- yes it worked! I jump back up and run between to alleys then turn left then right then to the other side of the road then into an alleyway then into a back door hoping that there are no creatures in there and.. yep! There are! But only three and they're far from the stairs, I slowly walk over to the stairs and each step I make sure I don't make a sound, yes! 1 floor down and 2 more to go, I slowly walk to the stairs but before I could take a step on the staircase, the floor suddenly creeks which caught the attention of the three creatures and begin to wobble up the stairs, I take out my gun and shot one of them and as I was about to shoot the other one, I notice who it was.. my mom.. It wobbled closer but I was too traumatized to move before it could lay a finger on me it was chopped on the head by the guy with the pokey face mask as I see the other one also chopped by the girl with red hair- they saved me.. they just fucking saved my life

??: kid, are you okay?

Before I could answer my vision begins to blur

??: kid? kid?!

And those were the last two words I heard as I black out

Survival of the Dead (Cryaotic w/ Late Night Crew)Where stories live. Discover now