Chapter 5

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Ellie's POV.

I wake up to still find myself on the branch and luckily the sun is rising already, I put the jacket on me but before I get down I decide to write on my journal


It's already dawn, today I'll be leaving this forest, hopefully I won't bump into the man with the white poker face mask, I was really terrified that he might shoot me, take my stuff or take me in as a prisoner then take my stuff. Since it's a whatever creature apocalypse (I don't know what it's called) it's much much harder to trust people, friends or not, family members or not, everybody has a dark side. People would do ANYTHING to survive in this kind of situation. Then again! I will give you guys some tips again for no fucking reason..

• don't easily trust people
• if you're in a group, don't piss them off since they might shoot you
• if someone you don't know asks you something, all you do is confuse them then run away
• hide from above
• friends and family or not don't trust them too much
• don't be the bait
• Survive

Bye guys! If you guys found my two notes well good for you! At least you know what to do! See you guys later! If there is a "later"

~ Survivor of the Dead 01

I rip the paper off my journal and place back my journal in my gym bag- I wonder if people do find these notes.. I climb down the tree with the note and my gym bag, I look around the place to find a stick, a stick that won't break easily when I jam my paper to a tree.. I FOUND- it's beside one of those creatures.. Shit, gotta find another one- I look around to found another stick and it's at the other side of a river but it doesn't have any creatures around it.. Hmm.. Near but with creature or no creature but far.. It's too risky to go pass the river since it looks like as if once you get in you can't get out but it's also risky to get the stick that it's beside the- I'D RATHER NOT DROWN SO.. WITH CREATURE IT IS! I walk up to the stick that's beside the creature but I suddenly stop when I step on a dead leaf, the creature turns to me so I stand still hoping that it won't come my way, it looks at my way, it then hears a gun shot from the other side which made it walk the other way- that sound would bring more so I better move fast! I immediately grab the stick as the creature leaves and I run from where the direction came from, I walk over to the tree where I slept and stab the paper onto the tree with a stick- that should do! I'm kinda getting hungry right now.. I kneel down to my gym bag and pull out a energy bar. Once I finished eating my energy bar I get up as I sling my gym bag over my shoulder, I then hear something from behind, I turn around to see a creature going straight for me- shit! I take out my gun and shot it at the head, then came two more so I shoot both of them, the sound will attract more of them so I gotta run now! I run South hoping that I would find the town. I have 4 objectives! 1, find more weapons cause this gun will surely run out of ammo! 2, more food! I'm okay with 3 bottles of water and 2 energy drinks but the candies are really small, the cookie jar, when I looked inside it only had 3 cookies in it and I'm down to only 1 energy bar! 3, find my mom! 4, DON'T DIE!

Cry's POV.

Russ: everyone ready to go?

We do our finish adjusting our gear and we nod in unison

Russ: then let's go!

We walk out of grandma's house and into the forest

Red: Russ?

Russ: yea?

Red: do you have the map?

Russ: yea, babe.. You wanna hold it? But you have to guide us

Red: sure, thanks babe!

Red then gets on her tip toes and kisses Russ on the cheek

Russ: no prob babe but that's our only map so make sure you don't ruin it!

Survival of the Dead (Cryaotic w/ Late Night Crew)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora