Chapter 22: I Can Hear It

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"So you did know it was Guthrie!!" he shouted.

Reiki's Adam's apple bobbed.

"After Eli broke the illusion! You knew it was Guthrie before Nashi and I said anything!!" Jace roared.

"Y-yes. I did."

A cloud of poison surrounded the younger teenager's fists.

"But you weren't going to tell us this, were you!!" Jace screamed.

"N-no. I wasn't."

"You redheaded monster!! How dare you!!"

"I'm sorry."

"You're sorry 'cause you were caught!"

"I'm sorry because you're hurt. And I knew you would be hurt by my decision."

"So why did you do it anyways?!"

"Because I wanted to keep Guthrie safe."

"By letting him stay in that hellhole!!"

"You never told me that Guthrie had no memories of Fairy Tail. I found that out from Nashi when she told me about her perspective."

"You didn't want to be talked to for a whole week! And then the first person you consulted when you woke up after recovery was, of all wizards, Calypso Cheney! You're archnemesis!"

"First of all, the first people I consulted were Nashi and Cris because they were right next to me. Cal was the third person I consulted after I woke up. Second of all, we're not enemies anymore."

"Oh yeah! Cause you both have a super secret stash of information that nobody else knows! Oh wait, I do."

"Are you threatening to disclose this information if I don't?" Reiki inquired.

"I might. If I hate you enough."

"Will that really help you find Blake?"

Jace gritted his canines together.

He screamed and launched a fist.

Reiki swiftly dodged it and leapt backwards.

The Poison Dragon Slayer emitted streams of poison from his teeth.

"Poison Dragon's–" he snarled.

Reiki dashed towards the trees.


The redhead slammed his back to the tree as waves of poison exploded on either side.

'Oh s***. This is bad.'

Jace threw slices of poison at the tree.

Reiki dashed out into the open.

"Jace! That's enough!"

"No it's not!"

"This isn't Magnolia or our guild hall! We can't destroy anything here!"

"I don't care! Poison Dragon Slayer's Poison Fang!"

The redhead side-stepped and twirled to avoid the attack.

"Jace! This isn't going to help you find Blake!"

He cartwheeled several times to avoid an onslaught of Spiral Jaws.

"I! Don't! Need! To! Find! Him! Any! More!" Jace howled with each kick.

Reiki furrowed his brows.

"What??" he asked.

As soon as Poison Dragon Slayer landed, he charged with a fistful of poison.

Fairy Tail Adventures Await Volume 2: Undercover InvestigationHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin