🌬Chapter 23☁

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After taking the breakfast handed over by Fort, Peat thanked him in a low voice. Fort rubbed his head and said, "Let’s go to work together?"


The breakfast that was there at the entrance of the community was basically crepe, breadstick, and steamed dumplings. Fort didn’t know what he liked to eat, so he brought a bit of everything.

Peat sat on the front passenger seat with the bag in his hands. He looked at Fort who was sitting by his side and earnestly driving the car. After a while of twisted emotions, Peat picked up a steamed dumpling and embarrassedly asked, "Did you eat?"

Fort took advantage of changing the lights to turn around and look at Peat who was holding up a steamed dumpling with a blushing face. He narrowed his eyes, smiling, "Will you feed me?"

Peat averted his eyes a bit and he did not dare to look at him. But he also didn’t want to miss this somewhat intimate chance. So he lifted the steamed dumpling with somewhat shaky hands. But he still managed to hand it over to Fort’s mouth, "It is not very hot."

Fort’s mood improved on seeing Peat’s shy appearance. He swooped down to bite the steamed dumpling, "Not bad."

Peat thought that he would be able to finish such a small dumpling with just one bite. But Fort only bit off half the dumpling and he held the remaining half in his hands, not knowing what to do. 

When Fort saw the foolish expression Peat had while holding the steamed dumpling, his heart went soft. As there were a few more seconds for the red light to go off, he lowered his head again and bit the dumplings in Peat’s hand. This time the dumpling was even smaller. Peat could feel his soft lips sticking to his fingers. Even after the red light went off the warm feeling of the tip of the tongue which brushed past his fingertips still remained. 

Even after he took Peat to the coffee shop, his face was still blushing. Fort looked at the time and got out of the car. He glanced at the breakfast that Peat was still holding. He wanted to take it from his hands and throw it away. It must have turned cold after coming all the way here.

When he saw Fort reaching out his hands, Peat didn’t understand what he meant, "Do you still want to eat?"

Fort immediately explained on seeing that he was not handing it over to him, "It has become all cold. So throw it away."

For the first time, Peat went against Fort’s will in front of him. He quickly hid the breakfast bag behind him and said a little anxiously, "I have a microwave oven in my store."

Fort looked at Peat who was nervously keeping his hands behind his back. With a 'puff' he started laughing and said, "Why are you so cute, Peat."

Peat only remembered what he had done when he heard his laughter. He wanted to stretch out his hands from behind his back and hand them over to Fort but he was really unwilling to do so. After struggling for a while, he looked down at the ground and whispered, "Can I keep this breakfast? I will treat you to a meal."

Fort touched his chin and pretended to think, "Do you want to repay me for treating you to breakfast?"

Peat thought that he had misunderstood, so he hurriedly explained, "No."

"Then what do you wanna do?"

"I just want to invite you for a meal. I didn’t mean anything else."

Fort stared at his red earlobes with a fully smiling face, "Okay. But I will only eat what you make with your own hands."


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