🌬Chapter 35☁

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On the day of the school celebration, the two of them went back to their former alma mater together. They were originally walking with Noeul, but when they entered the school, they bumped into their former classmates, and finally divided into two groups. Peat had no acquaintances, so he straight up followed Fort. Fort was very popular. No matter the class, he would say hello and chat a few times when he met them.

When asked about Peat, Fort would smile and introduce, "My lover. That kind of a lover whom I will marry in the future."

Many classmates expressed their blessings, while some couldn't understand them. But Fort always held Peat, confident and making no effort to conceal it.

In the evening, many classmates had gathered in the playground. Some talked and laughed about life, and some took group pictures. Fort led Peat all the way to the teaching block. He stood at the door of Peat's classroom and turned his head to count, "Were we only separated by five classes?"


Fort was puzzled, "Then I should have seen you too, right?"

Peat looked at him a bit shyly, "I-I actually deliberately avoided you."

Fort was shocked, "Why? Was I really scary back then?"

Peat hurriedly explained, "No, no. As I liked you...I was afraid, I was afraid of being discovered by you."

"So you just hid away from me?"


Fort was both angry and amused. He poked Peat's nose, "Then how can you be brave like a little warrior when you secretly protected me? Don't you dare to confess when it's your turn?"

Peat looked down at the ground, "I...At that time, I didn't know that you liked boys. I was afraid that you would find out and feel hatred...in your heart."

Fort kissed the corner of his eyes distressedly, "You are indeed an idiot."

Walking to the former classroom, Fort walked in and sat down where he used to sit once. He looked up at Peat who was standing at the doorway. The man's simple shirt and jeans were still neat like a high school student.

The sunset in the evening was just right. The twilight spilled into the classroom. Peat suddenly seemed to return back to more than ten years ago. He looked at Fort and slowly walked to his side.

There seemed to be a pool of water hidden in Fort's gentle eyes. He looked at Peat and said, "When I was twenty-eight years old, I met a man. He has liked me for many years, but I never knew it. Now, the 28-year-old Fort wants to tell the 16-year-old Peat. Fort, who you like silently, will suddenly appear in your shop one day in the future. He will buy you a cup of coffee, he will fall in love with you, cook with you, and you will do many, many things together until you are in your seventies. You will plant flowers together, walk together. If Peat can't walk anymore, Fort will carry him, carry him all his life, and carry him to the next life."

Peat's eyes slowly turned red, and finally, a line of tears fell. He was somewhat choked with emotion and said, "The twenty-eight-year-old Peat...I want to tell the sixteen-year-old...Fort. There is a person who has secretly liked you for more than ten years. He knows all your preferences and strengths. He has watched every basketball game and has heard many songs you sing. But he is timid and cowardly. He never dared to confess like you. He secretly likes you and never had the extravagant hope of getting a response. More than ten years later, when you grow up, remember to go to his shop and buy a cup of coffee, and then you will fall in love and be together...cook together...grow flowers together...and will walk together for a lifetime."

Peat, who was twenty-eight, only now had the courage to confess to the sixteen-year-old Fort.

His tears couldn't stop, his voice trembled, and he said to someone he had liked for more than ten years, "I especially...love you."

After going around for more than ten years, Fort met Peat, and slowly started liking him and then he fell in love with him. Peat met Fort whom he had always liked and loved.

Even if their likes were not in sync, that mood still intersects and merges at a certain time of the year. Peat looked at Fort and slowly raised the corners of his mouth. His secret love for more than ten years got the best response.

Sixteen-year-old Peat, don't worry. Because more than ten years later, your most favorite Fort will also love you.


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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