Christmas/New Years Special 2022

Start from the beginning

Mahou: "*sniff* ...It hurts, N/N."

Y/N: "Of course it hurts, idiot."

I picked her up off the floor, and placed her up-right where she was comfortable.

Y/N: "Not so fast now, are you?"

Mahou: "Shut up!"

We continued walking down the sidewalk, eventually hearing some music that was playing in the distance. Obviously, that was the party.

Mahou: "I can see the Christmas tree!"

Y/N: "Good for you."

Mahou: "Ugh, c'mon N/N. You're no fun. Will you at least come with me to the party?"

Y/N: "Absolutely not."

Usually I'd just drop Mahou off at a far distance, then walk back home or stay in an area nearby, but I wouldn't join the party entirely.

I had no thoughts of changing that this year either.

Mahou: "Pleeeeeeease~?"

Y/N: "I don't even have my phone on me. You rushed me out of the house so quick I couldn't grab it."

Mahou: "You don't need your phone! You'll be having fun at the party!"

Y/N: "Fun?"

Even with video games I'm usually more frustrated when I'm playing rather than having fun. The mere mention of the process of having fun was absurd to me. Having fun anywhere that was not inside my house was something I haven't had in years.

Y/N: "I guess... I'll join you. Only if it's fun, though."

Mahou: "I have no clue what your idea of fun is, but let's go anyway!"

She grabbed my hand, happily swaying it back and forward as we walked to the massive Christmas tree. We were getting closer, and music played loudly to the point where I had to yell for Mahou to hear me clearly.

We walked around for a while longer, attempting to find somewhere to enjoy our time. I was overwhelmed by the amount of people that surrounded us.

Y/N: "This is kinda crowded, huh."

Mahou: "WHAT'D YOU SAY?!!?!"

Y/N: "I SAID IT'S-... *sigh* Fuck it."

We continued through the crowd, pushing through mobs of people.

I grabbed onto my sister's hand tightly, assuring that she wouldn't get lost in the dense population. She was always that type of person that would get lost at any slim chance they could.

Eventually, we made it to a spot we could breath, however it wasn't for very long.

We had stepped onto the entrance of a privately owned building that stretched up high in the air. We realized that it was privately owned when someone in a black suit quickly approached us.

Guard: "Excuse me, sir, madam, please step off-"


Guard: "Don't make me force you off the premises."

Mahou: "WHAT?!!?"

Guard: "...Very well."

He grabbed onto the collar of my shirt, pushing me backwards.

Y/N: "LET GO-"

???: "Ah, Y/N! Aren't I lucky to see you~"

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