"So if you don't mind, I can drop you off at our hotel so that you can rest and inform you when everything is prepared and then I can pick you up again and drop you off at the orphanage with the gift and a few people to help you give it out to the kids?"

Before Jungkook could answer, Taehyung muttered a 'Yes please, I need to rest' in his sleep. Jungkook chuckled seeing the elder's behaviour.

"Sounds good Mr. Lee, let's do as you suggested."

And so they were dropped at one of the hotels that were under the Jeons for them to rest with Mr. Lee off to get the things ready as per said.






Another few hours passed, It was currently something around 4 pm.

Jungkook was Taehyung both were passed out on their beds when suddenly Jungkook woke up hearing a few constant knocks at their room door.

He made his way towards the door and pulled it open only to come face to face with Mr. Lee

"Oh Mr. Lee you here, is everything done?"

"Yes, young Master Jeon everything is prepared, we just need you and young Master Kim's presence now so that we can be on our way to the orphanage."

"ok Mr. Lee, if you don't mind can you come in and wait for a while as I wake Hyung up and get ready too?" Jungkook replied stepping aside to let Mr. Lee inside.

Mr. Lee was obligated to enter inside with a small 'take your time' in reply.

He makes his way to take a seat on a couch that was there in the suite living room while Jungkook made his way into the bedroom area to wake Taehyung up. 

After not-so-whines and complaints from Taehyung, Jungkook finally managed to wake him and they both were soon all freshen up and ready to head out.

"Okay, Mr. Lee we are ready to head out."

With a nod, Mr. Lee made his way outside with the two following right behind him with their bags. They locked their room and handed their key card back to Mr. Lee. 

Mr. Lee tried to help them carry their bags but they refused as it wasn't much. With that, they started making their way out of the hotel when Jungkook asked Mr. Lee to tell them about their remaining schedule in Daegu. 

"Well, not much is remaining for you guys to do. From here we will go to the orphanage directly and I'll drop you both there along with a few helpers to help you around with handing out the gifts... then you will have a couple of hours to spend in the orphanage, that is if you want to, Normally elder young master always does it, but it is up to you. You can then call whenever you're done and I'll come to pick you both up and take you to the station but there is a slight pro-" 

  "Why is it snowing so heavily suddenly? There wasn't even any snowfall when we arrived isn't it hyung?" Jungkook asked as soon as he saw the heavy snowfall when they step outside the hotel.

Taehyung just shrugs in reply.

"Uhm.. that is actually the problem I am talking about, Well you see as I said before there was snowfall occurring from time to time for a few days now over here. Today there was snowfall in the morning before you both arrived and it had stopped too. but then some while after I left you guys in the hotel it started snowing again, at first I didn't think much but just to make sure I decided to check the weather and it showed that there is going to be a very heavy snowfall till no exact time estimated...-" Mr. lee said with a sigh after all of them very settled in the car and on the way to the orphanage.

"Do you think we should look for an early train-" Jungkook asks

"I know what you are thinking younger masters and honestly I would have done it if I could but the thing is that is the only train to Busan, so all we can do now is wait and pray that the snowfall stops soon or else if it continues this way the tracks will be blocked and the train might get cancelled also the flights are already stopped because of it... so there is nothing we can do..."

"Well if it is so, let's hope that it stops soon..." Jungkook replies with a sigh.

"It's ok Mr. Lee, there is nothing that we can do so let's just enjoy the time here and stop stressing about it... also how much more time to reach?" For the first time, taehyung said after only listening to their conversation all this time. 

"20 mins to the max and rightly said young master Kim. If there is any more changes or any update or anything I'll tell you, guys, to know until then, enjoy your time in the orphanage with the kids. elder young master Jeon and young master Jin love it there. So I am sure you guys will too!"

"ok, thank you Mr. Lee for all your help"

"Thank you" 

Jugkook and Taehyung replied simultaneously. 


To be continued...

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