As soon as he arrived at the building he knocked on the door, hoping she would open and be fine, but he waited five minutes for the brunette to open the door, nothing happened. April's mom worked late and was almost never home, so to Donnie's mindset April was on her own.

He sighed, taking the spare key April had given him the time she traveled and asked Soft-Shell to feed Mayhem.

"April?" He called opening the door, no sign of life. "April? Are you here? It's Donnie, they asked me to leave some books and notebook here."

He heard a low grunt coming from the brunette's room, he went carefully, seeing a note lying on the floor that said 'April has food in the fridge'.

He opened the door a little, and when he saw the girl lying on the floor he ran to help her, lifting her on the floor he noticed two things: first, April was very light, second that she was extremely hot.


"Yeah, it's me. Where's the medicine box?" He asked helping her to lie down on the bed.

"Second kitchen cabinet." She moaned.

Donnie tried to be quick, he didn't want April to get worse, he got some medicine and a thermometer, he asked the brunette to use it to take her temperature - he didn't want to touch her without her consent - and he measured how much he would have to give for her.

"38.5 degrees, you have a fever." Donnie said holding the thermometer "Here this will help you get better." He said handing over the medicine.

"I do not want." she murmured.

"April you want to get better don't you?"

"ok..." She swallowed the medicine, it tasted horrible.

The brunette in that state looked like a child, Donnie told her to lie down on the bed she started to want to stand up, asked her to take the medicine she said no, after a long discussion about why he was there, about why he gave her the medicine and she asked for two more blankets April finally lay down on the bed.

"Rest, do you need anything?" He said ready to leave her room but April held his hand. "April?"

"Stay please..." she asked, holding his hand.

He sighed, Donnie really wanted to go back to work on his projects more, but April was sick, she was more important. The soft-shell nodded, April gave a slight smile and laid her head on the pillow, Donnie sat on the corner of her bed, not close enough for him to get sick too, not far for April not to feel alone.

"Explain to me what you're working on now, your new project...please." She said with a little sleepiness in her voice.

He smiled, the brunette was the only one who cared about what he did, he was happy to explain anything to her. He must have spent almost forty minutes explaining only the theory of his new project, when Donnie looked to the side expecting to see April paying attention he saw the girl sleeping, with her eyes closed, body limp, totally relaxed.

He gave a slight smile, a part of his head was screaming for her to get out of there and let her friend sleep, another - a hidden part of his brain - was screaming for him to kiss April. What was his problem?

"What you do with me?" He muttered in a half laugh "I can't stay away from you even if I want to, every time you smile my heart skips a beat and I lose my train of thought, I really can't live without you at this point." He spoke quietly, then looked at April, she was still sleeping, he leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead "Sweet dreams O'Neil." Before getting up and leaving the room.

Donnie decided to make soup for April, that would make her feel better, he called Mikey who gave him the instructions, when he saw that it was late and the soup was ready he went to check on April, she was still sleeping, he sighed and left a note on the side of her phone on it said 'April, I left some soup for you if you feel better have it, also your homework is in the kitchen table. Donnie.'

Since April got sick and Donnie went to visit her it's been four days, he sent a few messages but she saw and didn't reply, could it be that she was mad that he entered her room while she was sick? he was trying to understand, until she and Sunita appeared in the lair.

"APRIL!" Mikey exclaimed running to hug the girl "Are you better? Sunita told us you got sick."

"Hi Mikey, yes I am." She said returning the hug he gave her.

She greeted Leo and Raph who asked how she was, after some small talk she asked where Donnie was, and Leo and Mikey gave a huge smile in response.

"Living in the lab as usual." Leo said in a playful tone.

April just nodded and went there, getting into Donnie's laboratory was never an easy task, but the soft-shell always let the girl in since he built that place. She walked carefully avoiding making too much noise so as not to disturb him.

He was bent over with his head on his work, the brunette came very close.

"Still working on that project?"

"A-April!" He almost yelled in surprise as he jumped back "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to thank you, so... thanks for taking my homework and taking care of me while I had a fever."

"Oh no problem."

"I wanted to talk about something else with you..." She said biting her bottom lip.

"You can talk, I'm listening" He said going back to work.

"I was awake... when you said that to me."

Donnie stopped, she heard that half-baked confession of love, he blushed, not being able to turn around to look at April, of course he couldn't, it was embarrassing. She was going to say she hated him, right? that she would never love someone like him.

"April I..." he tried to speak but he couldn't, that was bad.

"Dee...I..." She sighed, her face turning red "Donatello I like you too."

As soon as he heard his own name he turned around, seeing April like that, red, nervous, anxious made him give a slight smile.

"Well...and now? What we do?" he asked, should they date? go on a date? what to do?

"We can't go back to the way we were before, can we?" She asked, the two looked at each other now, nervous, he shook his head "I think we do that..." She said before kissing Soft-Shell.

He felt on cloud nine, April's lips were soft, sweet while his were firm, he returned the kiss, happy not to be rejected. April held his face, and Donnie put one hand on her waist, and the other on her neck, carefully - despite not being much Donnie was still bigger and stronger than April - the two seemed to fit into a slow waltz to the rhythm of the two, until they were interrupted by the sound of an opening door.

"Damn it! Miguel I owe you twenty!" Leo yelled from the doorway, causing both of them to break free and stare, both faces turning red.

He turned to the two with a smile and said.

"Don't worry lovebirds, you can go on, I won't let anyone come in here and disturb you." And he ran away, Donnie would have followed to hit him, but April had other plans, and went back to kissing the soft-shell.

After that day every time April got sick Donnie went there to help her.

April x Donnie - oneshots Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now