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After over a day of pure rest, I am beginning to feel much, much better again. And so are the others— I can tell. The burn medicine worked like magic. In only a few hours, my burns had practically disappeared. All that remains is a scar, coated in dried blood.

I help Marina with some of her burns. Cato advised me to not waste our precious medicine on her, but I felt somewhat bad seeing her state. Cato saw me and got really angry, but  I couldn't care less. Marina's not going to last a minute after we leave her, and I want her to trust me. It could come in handy— if needed.

I see Cato gathering a few of the others, and so I follow suit. Glimmer and I lock eyes and we both smile softly. A faint blush coats her cheeks.

"I think there are two things we should aim for today. First, getting some water. We're running out. Do you guys agree?"

Mutters of agreement follow his question.

"Good. Second, it's time to eliminate some of our fellow tributes. It's day nine, and no one's been dead since day two. The fire didn't kill anyone off either— but I'm willing to bet good money that it injured some. I think it's time for some action, eh?"

Glimmer and Marvel chant enthusiastically. I  nod in agreement. Peeta and Marina don't say anything.

"Who are we targeting?" Marvel asks.

I perk up. "I think we should aim for the kid from Three. The girl from Five, too. And most importantly, Katniss. We need to kill her. We can't let her last longer than this." I give an intimidating stare to Peeta, and he shifts uncomfortably. The sight makes me smile.

My eyes move to Cato, surprised to find them waiting for his approval.

"Okay," he says. "I think those work. Pack all your things. Let's get going in ten."


We are planning to go to the lake. There's only one that we know of in this arena, and it's guaranteed to lure tributes to nearby. If we're lucky, we can hit two birds with one stone.

Again, I am the lone wolf in the Career pack. I am surprised to find Peeta and Marina talking quietly. They must have realized that they are both the outcasts in the pack.

I talk to Glimmer for a while, but I get tired and end the conversation. She switches to talking to Marvel and Cato for a while. I don't park-take, but I listen to their conversation with interest. 

"My Dad is part of District One's government," Marvel says. "Mom's a crafter. It's not high paying, but it sells. I have a younger sister— definitely going to be a Victor one day. Hell, she's better than I am with spears."

Glimmer tells her story next. "Daddy is the head of a jewelry company," I hear Glimmer say. "He does all the analytical stuff. That's why he makes so much money. And my Mom doesn't work, but that's alright. Daddy's salary is enough to hold up the whole family. My sister is two years older than me, and she's at the Training Academies. But she's no good, so she's never been chosen for anything. She has a pretty good brain though, so I'm guessing she'll..."

I am suddenly tired of hearing about Glimmers perfect life. However, her conversation does bring me back to my own life, back in Two.

Is my Father watching me right now, on TV? Does he know I'm here?

I've ran away from home twice before— but never for this long. It's been nine days. He must know I'm here.

Plus, all citizens of Panem are required to watch the annual Games. And now that I think of it, he did come and see me in the Justice Building. He knows I'm here. I'm sure of it.

THE ODDS WERE ALWAYS IN OUR FAVOR ─── CLATOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora