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It the next morning, and it was cold. My teeth were chattering. I should've brought a jacket. But it's not supposed to be this cold near the end of March. Surprisingly, my Dad was sober when I'd gotten home yesterday. That's not something you see every day.

I ran up to the Academy, scanning my badge. I checked my watch. I was barely early today. 7:40.

I heard the grunts and screams of a few students, so I wasn't the only one here today.

"Hi Clove," one of the instructors waved to me as they passed by. I gave them a mere nod. I walked up to the elevator, jabbing my finger on the button several times impatiently. I pressed another button as soon as I'd entered the elevator and rode up to the showers.

I dropped my duffel bag in front of my locker. I shut it quickly, but realized  I didn't have a lock. Mostly because my father wouldn't let me buy one. I quickly looked around before tugging on the lock of a nearby locker. I took a bobby pin from my pocket and inserted it into the lock, twisting it several times until it clicked and opened.

I felt footsteps approaching, so I quickly shoved the pin back into my pocket, and fumbled to close the lock.

"What are you doing?" A familiar booming voice asked me.

I whipped around. It was Cato. Shirtless.

"Nothing," I said nervously. "Why don't you have a shirt on?" I snapped again, regaining my normal composure.

"You know people can take showers here, right?"

"Yes, Cato, I know, I'm not as stupid as you are."

"Jeez, Clovie. Don't have to snap at me all the time. How are we ever gonna go on a date then?"

I looked at him, weirded out.

"I'm not gonna go on a date with you, ever. You have enough other girls for that, Cato," I hissed.

He kept trailing behind me, like a puppy on a leash. I finally snapped around with a huff.

"God, Cato? Are you gonna follow me in the shower, too?" I said in a whisper-scream.

"I mean, if you'd like," he said with the same devilish smirk.

"You are disgusting, Cato."

"I'm actually just normal, Clove. Has a boy never—"

Knowing what he was going to ask, I cut him short. "That's none of your business, Cato. Can you just leave?," I said, before slamming the door inches away from his face.


"Okay everyone, gather 'round!" I heard a accented voice say. My Trainer.

"We'll be switching stations today. The Olympiad's are coming up, and we need all of you to be in top shape for practically every weapon. More importantly, the reaping is coming up."

What few people who were talking immediately went silent.

"And if you want any chance of being chosen by the Officials, then you better work your ass off." The joke got a few dry laughs.

The Olympiads are where we would go and demonstrate our skills in front of Officials. It wasn't for the reaping, it was for prizes. But just a few weeks later, we'd have to demonstrate skills in front of the Officials, this time for reaping. This year, however, we found out that they would, in fact, be for the Reaping. More pressure, great.

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