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"Clove?" A muffled voice was screaming in my ear.

"Clove!?" The muffled voice was screaming again.
I forced my eyes to open. My vision was hazy, but it cleared up after a few furious blinks.

"Oh, thank god, Clove, you're awake. God, you slept two hours more than the nurse promised. We were starting to get worried." The friendly face of Trainer Pat sat in front of me.

I used my arms to push me up so that I was now sitting, supported by the back of the bed.
What time is it?" I muttered through my confusion.

"It's 6:22. You've been sleeping for almost eight hours."

I rubbed my eyes sleepily, pushing the warm blanket up and over my exposed skin.

"Do you feel better?"

I nodded sheepishly.

"Okay then. The Infirmary closes at eight, so you have till then to leave. I'd say leave now if you're feeling well enough. There are a few to-be tributes left practicing...now that you're sick, some of the girls are taking this as an opportunity. It's stupid, I know. You just have a small boug of flu. But still, we're too close to the Olympiads for this to be happening. Just don't lose your ground, Clove. None of us want this year to turn out like Tiarah's."

I felt molten lava like rage threatening to make an appearance. For the first time, I break. "Am I only a tribute to you?" I scream. "Are you that inhumane? To not let me fully recover for a day, and then say I'm taking after a failure of a tribute?"

I felt my outburst take him by shock.

"Yeah, but you know what I mean. I get it, you're sick, but take a look at Cato! He's practicing from seven to seven, and he's doing it well."

I scoffed. It always leads to Cato.

"Have you not taken a look at me? Hell, I get here every day at seven, too! I'm here till nine on some days! Do you not pay any attention to me? Or just Cato? Because he's 'golden boy?'"

He shrugged. "I get it. But you understand, Clove, you're wonderful. We can't lose you. Or Cato. You guys are our best bets for the Olympiad, and thus the Games. All I'm asking is that you're ready enough to work hard enough that you won't sleep for the next 10 days." He didn't even let me respond. Instead, he walked off ignorantly.

His words were etched in my brain, and they kept repeating over and over.

Don't lose your ground, Clove. None of us want this year to turn out like Tiarah's."

But I understood him. I was nothing to these people, just a small seam that may prove victory. If I was to become a Victor this year, I'd be District Two's youngest. I'd be cherished all over District Two, I'd be nicknamed this lethal girl who never backed down.

But I don't want to go to the Games. I know in that arena, I will probably die. A normal Career would have confidence, but that's the one thing I lack. Sure, I'll be able to protect myself for the first few days or so, but even if Cato was to protect me for the longest time, if it came down to him or me, we both know he'd kill me. There'd be no chance for me to win against him.

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