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Peeta has now joined our group. Except, he's done nothing but eat our precious stock of food since joining our alliance. Is this a joke?

"So, Loverboy, eh?" I ask. I lower my knife. His eyes lock on it, tensely. "Why the change of heart, leading us to her? Forgot about your little crush on her?"

"That wasn't real," he says indifferently. "Just trying to impress the Capitol, that's all. You know." He grins. I scan his face, narrowing my eyes, looking for any hint of a lie, but I can't find one. I pull the last bit of meat off my rabbit leg.

"Did you see the look on that girls face?" Glimmer laughs. Her voice goes squeaky. "Oh nooo, please don't kill me!"

I laugh, but it quickly turns into a yawn. "I'm tired. Can we sleep?"

"She's right," Marvel says quickly. "We haven't slept in around a day, now."

I'm warm, so I strip off my jacket and roll it into a ball as a makeshift pillow as I grab my sleeping bag from my pack.

"Four of us sleeping, and two awake," Cato says. "At all times. We have four sleeping bags, so it'll work perfect. Me and Glimmer can take first shift. Then Marvel and Clove. Then, Marina, and Loverboy. And remember," He points and Marina and Peeta. "Any funny business, from you two, and it's one slit to the throat. Understand?"

They both shake their heads frantically, but I'm not paying attention. Him picking Glimmer to stay up with toys with my heart a bit. It's ticking me off, that I've become like this as a result of the kiss. He has barely spoken to me for the duration of these Games. I'm starting to hate him again.

"Fine," I mutter under my breath, sneaking a look at Glimmer. She looks pleased to be partnered up with Cato, but I don't blame her. Who wouldn't? 

I drag my sleeping bag next to Marvel. Although he's quiet, I feel most safe around him— because he seems loyal. Then again, I realize I can't trust District One's here. My best bet, unfortunately, is Cato Hadley.

I'm turned so that my face is turned towards Cato and Glimmer. Cato lies on his back beside the fire, and Glimmer curls up next to him. I bite my tongue as to not scream every foul word I know at her. The knuckles of my hand clutched around my knife are turning white.

I can't be mad at her. She doesn't know the special boy back home was Cato. This isn't her fault.

My face is flaming with anger as I watch Cato drape an arm around her.

I turn over, so my back is facing them. I don't want to see them. I thought he liked me.

Sleep doesn't come to me for a long while. Suddenly, I'm not so tired. I hear Glimmer and Cato talking whispering late into the day. Sometimes, I hear an occasional giggle that can only belong to Glimmer.



I feel someone ascending on me. I grab my knife and jolt up immediately.

"Calm down, jeez, Clove, it's me." The faint shadow I couldn't make out before focuses. Marvel.

"Oh!" I say quickly. "Sorry...I thought..." Marvel doesn't let me finish. He just smiles and nods. "I get it, Clove."

"Did I miss my shift?" I say, now sitting up. I stare at the sleeping figures around me.

"No, actually, our shift just started." Through the corner of my eye, I see Glimmer. I furrow my brows, wondering why she's not asleep, before I realize that she's waiting to use my sleeping bag. She sees me staring, and smiles.

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