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"You shouldn't have done that little nigger ." As Rambo and his friends circled David like three lions about to pounce on an antelope , some guards came.

"Hey! Get back to your cells!" The boys were grabbed by the neck and taken to their respective cells and although he was been manhandled , David was thankful to the divine intervention that saved from Rambo and his lackeys.

As he turned around , David saw the seething hatred in Rambo's eyes that were promising to give retribution and the black boy knew he had to keep his eyes and ears open while he was locked up.

"May I take your order," Trisha asked politely , she really wanted to go home quickly and find wherever the hell her brother was currently confided in , but Nancy told her she could only leave at six , which was three hours away. She didn't understand why she still had to work a full day when it was a Wednesday and the restaurant was always slow on such.

Trisha wondered if she should take Mavis' help as he offered , because she knew the Madame definitely didn't put her brother in a nearby cell.

"Why young lady , you're beautiful," the customer said as he eyed Trisha up and down , especially on her legs and it made her bite her tongue.

"I said , can I take your order," the courtesy left her and Trisha didn't want to make eye contact with the man , he was atleast forty and he was trying to flirt with her - the nerve.

"No , there's no need to be rude Missy , why don't you sit down with me?", The older man grinned at her and Trisha finally lost her patience .

" Listen here and get it through your thick skull and make sure it gets into your Wernicke's area ," the man rose a brow at the term , " just because am wearing a balloon crop and putting on a denim short doesn't give you the right to hit on me. Do you understand you? Now order up!",

This wasn't the first time a man flirted with her based on how she was dressed - in Ruby Core , how you behaved didn't depend on your clothes , but attitude. Even Elsa , never had a problem with Trisha's clothes , considering she made them , but men always tended to think she was one of the girls who sold their bodies for cash. Her shorts and dresses always covered her thighs, unlike some girls who loved to show off their personal assets.

Trisha was turning her back on the man when she heard him say , "if you dress like a slut , what can one think." Trisha only saw red as she turned around and the man smirked and in that moment Trisha proved she was her mother's daughter when she slapped him hard across the face and then kneeled down in the balls , the man gave out a pathetic cry of pain.

"Don't you dare call a woman a slut if you don't know her you disgusting pig!", Trisha sneered at him and took the tray not caring the look Nancy , the owner , was giving her. Her brother been locked up somewhere without her or her mother's knowledge was enough to put Trisha in a bad mood and then some pervert just had to say the wrong thing.

"You dumb black bitch! ," the man bellowed and it caused Trisha to turn and glare at him murderously. Before she could do it some hand grabbed the man by his collar and threw him to the floor.

"Don't you have any respect for women you bastard!", The chivalrous stranger bellowed at the older man who looked afraid of him. Trisha tried to catch a glimpse of the man's face to no avail as a crowd gathered.

"That's enough!", Nancy shouted , "this is a good eating establishment , I don't tolerate fighting !", The fat white woman then looked at the man , "Frank , never come back here again, unless you want me to tell your wife about your dirty laundry ." And like that , the man left with shame , like a dog with his tail wrapped behind his leg.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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