Sudarax, part 40

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Max Amano learned the sudaraktic language, which he mastered in a few hours. Then the crew of Striver remembered the Earth and their relatives. Although the long space journey was exciting, I still wanted to go home to the kind blue world. Where everything is so beautiful, quiet and calm, where the planet seems to be created for a person so that he does not look for adventures in the Universe on his head. Nostalgia haunted and Tanya shed tears, imagining earthly nature in the grainy black abyss, among which was her house.
Then the girl from the Earth wiped her tears, looked back and saw the Normans. There, Gruce did physical exercises, forcing Shaq to do the same. The relationship between them was the same as on Earth between a father and a growing father.
Johnson most of her paid attention to the details of aliens: their habits, relationships and communication with each other. And to distract herself from bitter nostalgia, she went to the Norman to take a closer look at him. Gruce at this time tried to load his lean muscles with static exercises. From the outside, it looked ridiculous when the body trains strength, fighting with itself in a fading bizarre pose. Norman's suit was taken off to the waist, and Tanya clearly saw the sinewy figure of the sudaraktian. He was small in stature with monstrously prominent, but not massive muscles, on the fibers of which a venous network clearly showed through, wrapping around his entire body from head to toe.
At this time, Janos Jablonsky also drew attention to the Norman. Earthman training was somewhat similar. By the method of static counteraction, they both developed strength. Only Janos in his training used two crossbars connected by a chain or resting against doorways, while Norman looked more like a yogi, who, freezing in tension, seemed to feed unknown cosmic energy.
Shaq, twisted in a pose, saw a girl from Earth approaching in the air and said to her:
"Tanya, join us. Show us how you train your body on Earth."
"No, Shaq, thanks, at the expense of training, this is for Janos," Johnson pointed to the massive Yablonsky. Then Tanya pulled out a drawing notebook, where there were already sketches of Mozdok, Jock and a stingray with a rider against the desert background of the lands of the Edge of the Universe. Tanya fixed herself with a handrail in weightlessness and turned to the Norman. "Tell me something interesting about Sudarak. How did you live? What happened to the planet during the approach of the expansion of the star Orius? After all, our planet will also be overtaken by the expanding Sun in the distant future."
The older norman, breathing deeply, paused the exercise. He paused for a moment, as if remembering. And Tanya was already sketching the first strokes of the sudaraktian with a pencil.
Gruce mentally returned to the past five hundred million light-years away, where there was a bloated reddish Orius. Then, also at the highest speed in the Universe — at the speed of thought, he went to a tiny world straight to his home planet, which circled around a giant plasmoid ball as a small dot.
Drawing, Tanya did not notice how she plunged into the real, but fantastic story of norman.
Gruce trained as usual twice a day with early sunrise and late sunset of Orius. Deep below the surface, where his dwelling was located, these hellish rolls of a star across the firmament of Sudarak were not visible. Therefore, guided only by the clock, in the pre-morning time, Gruce began to prepare for training. His dwelling looked like a small square room, where all the furniture was built into the walls. On one side was a round large window, with the same shape of air conditioning, behind it cars flew by in the illuminated underground city.
Gruce buttoned up a tight, shiny suit, shod boots with blunt toes on powerful protectors. Then he went to the mirror, looked into his eyes, before a serious event. Beads of sweat appeared on his face, despite the coolness from the air conditioner, the body had already prepared itself for the increased temperature in advance. Then norman closed his three-pupil eyes with dark tight-fitting glasses and left the room, taking gloves and a pressure helmet.
Through the corridor, where there were a dozen more of these apartments, Gruce found himself on the street of the sub-arctic and the only city dried up by a star on the planet. Labirubis is a giant metropolis in the form of a cube, which was under the crust of the planet and went deep into the upper layers of magma, where the internal pressure of the planet's core was restrained by magnetic fields. The city between two fires, as it was also called, because it was located between the boiling plasma of a star and the red-hot core of the planet. The fate of civilization was in the hands of Orius and the heart of Sudarax.

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