Somewhere on the edge of the universe, part 28

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Hi all! Sorry for the delay in posting the story. We have a war, I will not be able to regularly upload parts. Enjoy reading.

Please write a review if you are interested in the story.


The boy at that time was sitting next to his friend and holding his second thin hand. And an adult representative of his civilization happily walked around the stone hut in search of something. He was also dressed like the kid in a tight dark suit with yellow stripes along the sides. Finally, having found a container of water, he began to offer the survivors.
"I am a norman from the planet Sudorak," the man said in his own language. "My name is Mozdok. And who are you?"
Elaina, after a slight delay, pondering her answer, said in clumsy, sudoractic language:
"I'm Elaina from Almateia. And this is Tanya and Janos. They are earthlings. We are from different star systems. Our planets are on opposite sides of the galaxy. Tell us about yourself so that I can learn your language more," the almatian pointed to her wrist translator. Earthlings also set up wrist translators.
Mozdok immediately understood what kind of device the muscular woman had on her arm. Then he said:
"In general, Sudorak no longer exists," the man adjusted his glasses on his forehead, underneath his bright green eyes with three black and flat pupils looked down at the stones under his feet, then continued. "Our luminary Orius was living out his stellar life..."
Everyone immersed themselves in norman's story.
Thousands of years ago, a violation of balanced and opposing forces began in Orius -- the force of gravity was inferior to the force of internal gas pressure. Expanding, a giant plasma ball fried the planets, and then swallowed them without a trace. The last time, hundreds of years ago, was burned alive by the civilization of the nubironians, who lived on the planet Ceron. A giant prominence, flashing, pulled the planet with its red-hot tongue into the seething surface of the star. The next planet was Sudorak, the home of the Norman civilization. The stellar wind gradually blew the atmosphere off the surface. Life was in full swing in a single underground city of Labirubis. At that time, the genixes ruled the people -- these are mutants.
Mozdok pointed to a tadpole with an iron hand, then continued...
Radiation deprived them of a full-fledged body, but instead gave them a powerful intellect. They were just living computers that settled further from the dying Orius on the planet Marador. Led by Chronus. This genix had the biggest brain. On Marador, they did not allow migration from Sudorak. On this planet, a rarefied atmosphere still existed and it was possible to live on the surface. Here, on the huge pyramids, a rescue ark was built -- a giant starship that was supposed to save civilization. For the construction, the physical strength of the normans and darks was used. The darks are another race of mutants with tiny brains and highly developed massive musculature. They were slaves, doomed to lifelong work in the mines of Marador, where they mined iron for the construction of the ark.
Not everyone could escape from the expanding star, in order to get on the ark it was necessary to pass a selection for intelligence and physical condition. Few of the normans were lucky enough to pass the intelligence test. Once I succeeded and tens of thousands more like me. After that, I was taken to Marador to set up the life support of the rescue ship. It was also a lucky ticket for my family, I could take them on a spaceship.
Darks were less lucky, they were stupid with mutating internal organs. And they would not bring any benefit to the gene pool in the future of a saving civilization. Therefore, darks were caught in Labyrubis and used for hard work on Marador.
Suddenly, an earthquake broke out, interrupting Norman's story. Seismic activity was stronger than on the lower tier. Everyone jumped in the cave, afraid of collapse. After the shocks that did not last long, Mozdok reassured everyone:
"Don't be afraid! Around us there is a strong rock and the arch of the cave will not collapse, there were even stronger earthquakes."
By this time, Tanya and Janos, with the help of an Almetea interpreter, began to understand a little sudoractic language and wondered to themselves how this ability quickly assimilated in their heads.
"So, where is your escape ark?" Elaina asked.
"The fact of the matter is that I didn't hit him," Mozdok continued and looked at the mutant who came to his senses. "While working on the spaceship, I accidentally found out that the genixes want to use all the normans who survived in the future for their own selfish purposes by planting them in special flasks to clone identical organs for transplantation into their underdeveloped bodies. And from the survivors of hard work, the Darks would be made into biorobots — flawlessly obeying slaves. For what I learned, I was sent to the asteroid belt to the crystal mine. From there I escaped by stealing a small ship. When I got to Sudorak, I took my wife and daughter and went to the belt, to a small asteroid. There I collected enough crystals to make a quantum sail, and fly away from the dying Orius system."

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