- So?

- You should keep it...

- You mean you like it?

- I like YOU in it.

Avi laughed, seeming slightly embarrassed.

- Okay, you convinced me, and to be honest I like it too. But don't you need one more?

- Choose a color then, smiled Mitch with a wink.

Avi walked among the shelving and finally picked up a sky-blue shirt, with a slight dégradé.

- Oh! I hadn't seen it! I like this one! Do you want me to try?

Avi nodded. With a smile, Mitch went to pass it on and came back.

Avi grabbed his arm without a word and led him to a mirror. He stood behind him, looking over his shoulder, his cheek close to Mitch's one.

- You're shinning, boo.

- Thank you! replied Mitch, almost blushing. I really like it!

He turned around, facing Avi who took a step back. Avi remained silent a few seconds, and then said playfully:

- Now I guess you need pants, you can't go half-dressed!

Mitch chuckled and went back to the fitting room. He came out holding the two shirts and simply handed them to Avi who was already holding his green one. Avi smiled and took them without a word.

Choosing pants was quicker, they both agreed that black was perfect to enhance the shirts.


When they came out of the shop, Mitch said he wanted shoes next. He led Avi to a shop he also knew for long. As in the previous shop, he walked around, choosing five models, before giving them to a young employee. While they were waiting for the man to come back with the boxes containing the second shoe of each pair, Mitch said to Avi that he was disappointed because the man who usually took care of him didn't seem to be here.

He sat down on a bench. The employee came back and sat in front of Mitch on a little stool. He tried a first shoe, but Mitch didn't feel comfortable in it. He tried a second one, and Mitch began to wince without a word.

- You're hurting him! Please let me see!

Avi kneeled beside the man, and took the shoe from his hands with authority. He tried to put on the shoe at Mitch's foot, carefully, and gave up quickly.

- This is obviously too small! Would you have the next size?

The young man seemed quite shocked by Avi's intervention, but he nodded and stood up without a word.

Avi sat on the stool. Mitch looked at him with a relieved smile and formed the words «thank you» without a sound. Avi muttered in an quite angry voice «He was so clumsy! Why didn't you say anything?!»

Mitch didn't have the time to answer, the employee was back with a new box. Avi raised his hand and caught the box without giving him any choice. He put on delicately both shoes at Mitch's feet, stood up and held him out his hand.

- Come on! The best way to try them is to show me how you can dance with them!

- Dance? Here?!

- Of course! Show me!

Laughing, Mitch began a little dance, but when he saw Avi's amused smile, he focused on the music playing in the shop and went on along the aisle. He came back to Avi and said they were perfect. "As his eyes looking at me" he thought in a heartbeat... He decided to buy them, without trying the next ones.

- I wasn't sure about them anyway.

He paid and they went out. They walked down the street and Avi exclaimed:

- Mitch, why did you let him hurt you?!

- I don't know... I don't like to complain, and I didn't know him. I would have said to the employee who's usually here. Well... He wouldn't have hurt me actually. Thank you Avi.

Avi raised an arm and put it around Mitch shoulders, squeezing them briefly before removing it.

- You souldn't let anyone hurt you.

Mitch raised his eyes toward Avi, who was looking in front of him, walking with his hands in his pockets, frowning slightly. He didn't reply.


The last shop was a fashion accessory store. Mitch wanted a new bag, and whatever would caught his attention. Avi recovered his smile looking at him walking in the ailes with the face of a child in a toy or a candy store.

Here, Avi couldn't be very helpful. He wandered randomly in the shop, sending glances to Mitch and giggling inside. Mitch found a bag, a new funny beanie, a mug with a cute cat drawn on it. He came back to Avi with a silk scarf in his hand.

- Try it please.

- What for?

- Please.

Avi didn't argue more an put the foulard around his neck. Mitch had pulled out the emerald shirt from one of his bags, and standing behind Avi, he placed it on his chest. He turned him toward a mirror:

- Look. What do you think?

- Not bad, smiled Avi. But why?

- For no reason. Because I like it on you.

- It's getting dangerous to go shopping with you, as much as with Esther!

Mitch smiled, amused.

- It suits you, and I want to give it to you if you like it.

- Oh! That's nice of you Mitchie, but...

- You've been more than helpful, and so patient. I've had a very nice time shopping with you. With Scott or Kirstie, I have fun, but with you it was different, you paid attention to me, we had fun but it was a peaceful moment too and I liked it. Anyway, it's even not for that. I would like to give it to you.

Avi answered with a smile, slowly removing the foulard from his neck. Mitch finally turned to the cash desk to pay his purchases, and they walked out.

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