Young Love and Big Hearts

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It was uncharted territory, one that she didn't like how much she liked. For no matter how much her young heart cared for him, Aveline was much too logical to dare even try.

The second her family got whiff of it, Remus would certainly be in more danger then he had ever been. She had no doubt her father would dig up everything he could on the boy. And considering Remus has secrets to hide, it wasn't a risk she could take.

"Stop Marlene, that's brash," Lily snided her face bright red.

Marlene most likely said something wildly inappropriate. Aveline could tell by the way she wiggled her eyebrows and sent Aveline a wink.

"I know these thing Lils," Marlene exclaimed, not even pretending she was doing her school work. "Lupin would be the aggressive type of snogger."

There was another course of giggles from the girls, even Lily was joining in now. Blushing and messes at the idea of making out with a handsome young boy like Remus.

It was absurd, to Aveline, talking about Remus like this. She also didn't like how much she was suddenly imaging how it would feel to kiss him.  Though she already had, that was nothing but a child's kiss. Two barely teenagers kissing someone just so say they've been kissed

If Aveline kissed him now she knew it would be different. She'd be kissing him because she wanted too, not because she wanted to tell people she had.

Though that could never happen, she was sure of it.

"Why don't you ask him to Hogsmead?" Lily said, not dropping the conversation.

Aveline was trying to focus on her school work, though it was clear her mind wasn't letting her.

"I- what is this?!" Aveline exclaimed suddenly. "An interrogation?"

Mary shook her head as did Lily, but Marlene shrugged before nodding her head.

"The whole school knows you want to shag eachother," Marlene stated plainly, as if it was no big deal. "Merlin Mcgonagall asked Lils one more time if you guys were dating—"

"She what?!" Aveline startled, moderately horrified at the idea of her Proffesor inquiring after her non existent love life

"Literally stop denying it," Marlene muttered, grabbing on to Aveline's arm and squeezing it. "The whole school knows. Trust me, it'll be easier if you just rip the band aid off and—"

"I'm not," Aveline cut the blonde girl off, rising to her feet and grabbing her books from the table. Her face was red and hot, and she needed to get out of there before she said something that was too telling. "I'll see you guys later, I got quidditch stuff to deal with."

It was a lie, and Aveline was sure they knew it too by the way they started giggling as she walked away. She couldn't blame that for speculating, that was what teenage girls did. The idea of any one of their friends finding a boyfriend was exhilarating, and Aveline too had taken part in similar conversations at the extent of Lily before.

The worst part of she couldn't even say she didn't like it. Part of her enjoyed the idea of people thinking they were together. Of claiming him as hers.

A soft smile she couldn't contain flooded her red cheeks as she made her way down the hall. Replaying the way his soft brown eyes lit up in the afternoon sun, his smile as he laughed at what Sirius was saying.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus LupinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant