7| Drily but neophyte

Comenzar desde el principio

I bought items for my hair for a wave and she got more hair products that we payed for and leave the store with.

The last store we went into sold jewelry and I bought her some pairs. As she looked around the store, I bought a matching set for her and myself, sadly, we didn't have a child yet so that was removed from it.

On our way back to the car park, she was in a really happy mood as she skipped a little in her step.

We played a bit of music as she directed me in the direction of the KFC and pizza hut.

We still had time to collect the pizza so we went in the drive thru seeing as though the inside was packed till the line reach all the way outside. With a good hours in the line, we got our order and I also went in to collect our pizza afterwards.

When I approached the bus Kitty looked at my hand with disbelief and I smirked. "What will we do with so much pizza?"

"So you won't need any for Sister Patsy or for the rest of the week?" I teased.

"You're right." She nods, looking real comfortable in the seat.

The seat was pushed back and her feet up on the end instead of on the dashboard. Climbing in, the smell of our food and groceries was a mix as I closed the door and locked us in. Putting the two bags filling with pizza on the seat behind my own and got a wet wipe to sanitize my hand.

"Thank you for everything tonight." She told me and I looked over at her face then her lips.

"Kiss me and I'll believe you." Blushing, she sat up and moved over as she pecks my lips. "Give me more."

An that she did, and I wanted to take her over my lap but didn't. We ended up looking over at the Harmony beach park at the lights in the distance of Freeport as we ate, drank the juice and talk.

She wanted to use the restroom so we used the one in pizza hut before going for a walk.

Thankful it wasn't too dark as it was only around six so the KFC parking lot wouldn't be closed as yet.

We crossed the road leading to the beach park and went though the gate, walking hand in hand until I wanted some pictures with her. She allowed me to take them but needed some of mine for herself too. It was my first time here but her second time so she showed me around. The beach area was closed so we walked around, bought a large cheesy fries for her since she said it smelt amazing.

"Look at my stomach." She laughed, looking down at herself and rubbed it a bit.

Smiling, I held her from behind and rubbed her stomach as she stiffens up a bit but relaxed afterwards. We stood enjoying the salty sea breeze and the smoothing reggae music that played from the speakers of an opened shop.

"Do you want an ice-cream?" I offered and she nods.

We bought the smallest cup but she took many topping. We finished our walk around the place then I sat on an empty park bench with her on my lap. "This... This feels like a date."

"Do you want it to be?" I asked and she smiled. "It can be."

"Okay." She whispered looking out at the other couples, friends or families around.

"We should buy some ice-cream to bring home."

"I think we'll find space." She nods and I like the sound of that. "What flavor?"

"Flavors. As much that can last until the next time we return in town."


I took her empty ice-cream cup and put in with my own, as well as the napkins we use to clean it hands.

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