7| Drily but neophyte

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Without knowing the law, the law itself can become a deadly vine that will pull us down by the neck.

I drove pass the group of officers and government officials speaking with the owners of the animals which they had tucked away in the back of van and a truck. Kitty was grinning happily at the sight we passed by I was upset about the delay of the road work but it was starting a little pass Mama Louise's gate up to where the property that I've bought began.

Kitty had no idea of my purchase, or many of my purchases but it will be revealed bit by bit.

I left my Jeep at home as I've had the day planned for work but also for Kitty and the kids.

I've supervised the road and drainage work till it's done and I was satisfied. The heated tar stank but it took a few hours to dry, however, we couldn't enter the lane as yet. Sister Patsy stayed with Mama as I've took Kitty and the kids up the road by the football field.

I spoke with Dada and the men but kept a watchful eye on the group.

Kitty had them do their homework in the bus then was on the field playing. I've payed for the food, snack or drinks they brought from the cookshop while Kitty send messages to their parents.

It was easier for the parents as they picked them up from here and was surprised with the food the kids were bringing home.

Kitty borrowed her cousin's bathroom to freshen up before I drove us into the town of Montego Bay.

She was a little surprised when I told her we'll do a little grocery shopping and buying things in bulk at that. We, or I bought more than just groceries. I got things for the farm, fishing and for the house.

I barely allowed her to carry any bags and I begged her to spend some money. My money and not her own. The car park wouldn't be closed for a while so I took her to a clothes store to buy us outfits for the upcoming trip as well as our date. After that was settled with the help of a sales girl, I tipped her for her help then left.

"Are you hungry?"

"For KFC and pizza." She blurted then looked embarrassed but I kissed her head and pulled her along with me though the crowd.

"I'll call and order the pizza now, while we go to the drive thru for the KFC." I told her.

"So, where are we going now?"

"Husband, buy something fih yuh wife nuh." A vendor called out to us and I look at what he had selling. Crocs and slippers.

"See anything you like there?" I asked her and her eyes widened. I wasn't sure if I should buy from them or just enter a store but Kitty was already pulling me over.

She looked and my God, when she bend over to pick up a cute little pair of Crocs, I could see all eyes looking at her ass. Lucky, I was right behind her and the pink one she got was filled with designs and she smiled seeing as it was her size. She tried it on and showed me so I payed for it and we moved on to another vendor.

Filling our bags, a store caught my attention and I pulled her along.

"Hair store?" She frowned and I smirked.

"Come on." I urged her along so I opened the door for her to enter. It was filled with females of all ages. Giving the baggage boy our bags and collecting a ticket, we went further in.

"What are we looking for?" She inquired.

I didn't answer her but watch in case her eyes light up so I can buy it. She look on lace wigs, human hair braids and hair accessories, all that I took up. I got her two lace wigs, one black and the other a platinum blonde, six packs of human hair braid and multiple hair accessories like beads, pins, a comb set and pins.

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