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Yoonsae:Yeay,What's up?*they are doing video call

Keith:We're fine.We want to inform you something.


Bangchan:Hey dude,calm down.Oh my godness.This kid.So busy body.

Luiz:I will send you some picture..

Han:Wait.She is...


LeeKnow:Park Somun

Hyunjin:So,that mean it's not coincidence.*speechless

Yoonsae:Tell more detail

Keith:Because it already a week,your mom go there so we can't comfirm what is their relationship yet.

Luiz:But,the main thing we know.Your mom is the new assistent that they said.


Inyeop:Imagine in future they will fall in love with each other.*smirk did not*glare

Yoonsae:That's all right?How about enemy or something?What kind of assistent?

Luiz:So for so good.Dark Torture just focus on business and the boys focusing on studying like they did at Korea.

Keith:Your mom right now is still being a training.But even like that,she's amazing.

Han&Felix:What training?

Yoonsae:Mafia?*Luiz and Keith nods

Bangchan:I heard your mom is graduated in medica course.So that mean your mom-

Luiz:Doctor.She is assistent of Evil and RJ's helper(Jin)

Skz and Inyeop ex Chan:Wow.Your mom is amazing.

Yoonsae:You two must take care of yourselves and my mom.*serious tone

Luiz&Keith:Ok Seol.-Seol,we heard that White Devil already back in Korea.

Yoonsae:Yeah that's right.About that we will handle it here.Just focusing on your task.

Bangchan:Any task for us to get ready for White Devil?

Changbin:Wait..How you guys know?

LeeKnow:It's popular in underworld stuff

Inyeop:WHAT?!So that's mean my dad know?


Seungmin:What he's gonna do after hearing the killer of his lover come back?

Hyunjin:Kill him.

Felix:Ohh that sucks.

Inyeop:WHat should we do now?*a little panic

Yoonsae:No need to worries.Your dad can protect himself but just in case I will send people to help him if he in danger.A silent help.


Yoonsae:Binie,MinKnow,Sam,Peter,Lixxie,SeungKim,Yinie and Ryan.*point of them one by one


Yoonsae:Chris,you will with me.

Luiz:I feel like that not like the only one who will attack White Devil is Pyscho.

Keith:Dark Torture?

Hyunjin:They're in New Zealand.


Han:Sohun's sons.

Yoonsae:Just make sure they didn't notice you.Stop Jinyeop from attack White Devil.

Inyeop:What if he asking us questions?

Yoonsae:Bring him here and we'll discuss it.


Yoonsae:Do you guys catch it?

All:Yup Seol!

Yoonsae:Ok nice now dismiss.Luiz and Keith do your duty as a spy.

*call end.

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