Cho Dochul!!!

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Yoonsae:Why he died?Got killed?And who?

All:We don't know..

Yoonsae POV

*I open the pendrive that ??? gave*

-In that's pendrive-

Uncle Park:Hi,Yoonsae.Well I record this bcs I'm too scared say it directly.You'll recieved 2 link in anytime cuz I can't confirm when it arrived.

*What link now..?!*

Uncle Park:So,you can...


*It's Cho Dochul?* 

Uncle Park:What...are you doing here?!

ChoDochul:I wanna kill you..*joker faces*

Uncle Park:Huh?Why?

ChoDochul:Where is Yoonhae?

Uncle Park:Who is it?I didn't even know who is it?

ChoDochul:*Kick Uncle*Bitch,you think I don't know huh?You take care of her right?

Uncle Park:No!

ChoDochul:Ouh.Ok*Sarcastic*Shoot Him*

*Closed the laptop*

Yoonsae:What the fuck!How dare him?

*You just wait*


Yoonsae:Ok..I'm come.!

 -Yoonsae come downstair-

Mom:Let's eat..

Joori:You're so late.I'm so hungry.

Yoonsae:Ouhh sorry.It's won't happen again.

Dansae:Eonnie?Are you ok?


*should I tell them?*

Yoonsae:Uncle...Uncle Park passed away.


Yoonsae:Yes..Yesterday..and he just...sick.

Mom:Sorry for hear that*patted Yoonsae shoulder*

Yoonsae:It's ok.

Joori&Dansae:Ermm who is Uncle Park?

Yoonsae:Who take care of me.


Thanks for reading.. I gotta go.. mom will take my phone and laptop....

just cuz i didn't fold clothes....

💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜 🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜



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