Chapter 11

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Today's game day. It's the first game of the season and we need to win, loosing isn't an option. The whole team have been practicing hard and I can't lie, Elle have been helping us a lot. We aren't as clumsy on the ice and we are faster than ever.

Someone knocks on my door making me groan. I roll over onto my back "What?" I ask, "Wake up ice princess, we don't want to be late for the game" Henry says in a lighter voice trying to sound like a dumb character. I answer with a groan and grab my phone. The notifications on my screen have exploded in our team chat. I need to scroll up for an eternity to find that Elle was the one who wrote the first message "WOHO GUYS!!! It's game time, GO BRUINS!!". Normally I would cringe at the message but my stupid brain sort of likes it. I throw my phone and get out of the bed, it's time for some hockey.

We all walk inside the ice hall after arriving early. We get dressed and warm up for some time, trying to avoid the other team. I hate them with my whole damn heart because they always play dirty and they always get away with it, motherfuckers. I try to focus on my warm up when I suddenly see a few guys from the other team moving towards Elle who's leaning against the ice rink wall while talking to Daniel. I grit my teeth but I see Elio and Henry already moving towards them. One of the guys from the other team says something to Elle and I can clearly see that she's uncomfortable and Daniel face hardens. I skate towards them "What's happening" I ask "Hi Gray" the guy says from the other team with a mocking tone "You better stay away from my team if you still want to be standing on this planet" I almost roar. The guys face twists and he's definitely pissed "Fuck off" he says before skating away. I get of the ice and walk towards the locker room without looking at the others.

Daniel is doing his annual speech to hype us up for the game. I listened to him but I'm still bothered by the other team, they gave a guy a damn hard tackle last season which made him lay in a hospital bed for weeks, I don't want my boys to end up like that. Elle's is standing beside Daniel and she gets to say a few last words before the whole team moves towards the ice. We all get to do our entry and the game begins.

It doesn't take long until Conrad shoots out first goal. The other team is already fuming in anger but the game moves on. Tackles begin to be harder and our components are definitely starting to be pissed when we get our second goal.

I get the puck passed to me and I have the perfect opportunity towards the goal. I skate as fast as I can while I'm trying to avoid the tackles. I'm about shoot when I suddenly feel someone tackles right into me making my body hit the glass wall before falling onto the ice. My sight is blurry, my head is hurting and my arm is paining. "Asher, you there?" I hear Henry's voice ringing in my ear. I try to stand up but when I put my weight on my right arm it feels like someone stabbed it, I groan out of pain and fall down again. "We need to get you of the ice, can someone help?!" Henry shouts. My teammates almost lift me of the ice. My head is spinning but I still see in the corner of my eyes how the other team is snickering. They lay me down on the floor in the changing room "You need to rest Ash, we'll not let those dirtbags win this game" Henry says pissed.

I get help by the medics and they let me lay down on the floor. I have ice packs on my whole body and my head hurts as fuck. "Please let me in, I'll let him rest" I hear a female voice begging in some distance and it doesn't take long until I hear footsteps. Someone crouches down beside me and I feel a hand on my cheek. "Asher it's Elle, how are you doing?" she asks concerned "I'm fine, I can probably play in the end of the game" I mumble. "Hell no young man, your arm is broken" she says. I'm going to fucking destroy those motherfuckers when I get the chance. "I'm going to take you to the hospital" she explains "Are you going to take me to the hospital?" I ask "Yeah what's the problem?" she asks confused "I feel sorry for my car", "Shut up!" she says making me smile a little.

They get me inside the car successfully and Elle begins to drive "I didn't know you have a driver license" I mumble "There's a lot of stuff you don't know about me" she says while focusing on the road. "How are you feeling?" ske asks "Not so good to be honest"

"Are you hungry?" Elle asks me while we're walking towards the car "Maybe a little" I say while looking down at my arm which is covered with a white cage. "We can buy something on the way home"  she says "Sounds great"

We walk inside the house "Your arm is broken?!" Henry almost shout. "Guess it is" I say not wanting to talk about "We did beat those asses but they still deserve revenge" Elio says and I couldn't agree more.

The evening goes by and I just lay in my bed trying to rest which is absolutely impossible. My arm hurts and I can't lay on the side because it hurts even more if I do that. I get out of the bed and walk out of my bedroom. I call for the boys but no one's answering. Elle suddenly walks outside her room "They aren't here, they said they needed to do something" she explains "Do you need anything?". I scratch the back of my neck trying to not scan her whole body. She's wearing a tight white top and a pare of low rise linen pants making her waist show. "I need to shower but I can't really do it by myself, but I'll wait until they come back" she looks me into my eyes and then on my arm "I can help you",  "I don't want to be a burden",  "It's fine Asher" she reassures me.

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