Chapter 4

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"We're here" Daniel says.

We get my luggage out of the car and walk to the door. I feel almost sick, I'm probably going to die.

The door open after Daniel rang on the door but I can't see the person. Mrs. Moore and Daniel walks inside leaving me behind. I lift up one of my bag and find a guy looking at me making me jolt. I stare at him feeling mesmerized by his looks but his eyes are are piercing through my soul.

His eyes are green as jade and his hair is light brown. I try to gather myself before letting out a small "Hi". He answers flatly with a"Hi". He moves to the side so I can walk in.

I freeze on my spot seeing Mrs. Moore and Daniel talking with not two, not three but four other guys, am I going to live with five guys!?

Mrs. Moore walks towards me and grabs my hand lightly.

"Boys, meet Elle", she says with warm voice and I'm probably pale as a ghost. I have apparently lost my ability to talk, but my body relaxes when I see the guys smiling warmly at me.

One of them takes a step towards me "Hi pretty lady" He says, I think, but my mind is a mess and I feel my cheeks burn but he suddenly takes a step back. I look at Mrs. Moore who's giving him an angry look.

Daniel asks about my room but I feel embarrassment spreading in my whole body, they forgot. I shouldn't have agreed to this, I'm just a burden to them. I look down trying to hide my disappointment.

The room is completely quiet. "Elle darling, could you go and get my purse out of the car" Mrs. More brakes the silence. "Sure" I sigh before walking towards the door.

I close the door but I halt on my step when I hear Mrs. Moore's muffled shouts through the wooden door.  I stand still trying to hear what she's saying, I feel sorry for those boys. Mrs. Moore could freaking kill someone by only giving them her death glares but when she starts screaming, it's bad, really bad.

I get the purse and walk in. To my surprise everyone seem sort of relaxed, weird. I turn my gaze towards Mrs. Moore who's resting her hands on her hips and her cheeks has a rose color probably from her frustration. I love her for being really caring about me, but those poor boys didn't need that scolding.

I hand the purse to Mrs. Moore. "Elle the boys are going to help you with your room" Daniel says "Oh okay" I answer "They'll go with you to the store and you can do whatever you want to do with the room" he says trying to bright up my mood.

Daniel walks over to Mrs. Moore "Let's go Mary" he says making her nod, hearing her real name feels weird I've never called Mrs. Moore by her real name.

She gives me a hug "If they do something stupid , call me, do you understand?" she orders I know she's glaring at the boys over my shoulder making me smile "Of course" I say tightening the hug.

Mrs. Moore moved in with me directly after my parents death. I've only slept in the same house with my parent and her, no one else. I bite my lip trying to stay calm.

I feel almost devastated when they close the door behind them leaving me here with five guys.

"We're sorry Elle" says the boy who greeted me before "by the way I'm Henry" he gives me a weak smile. "No worries, I guess it will be fun decorating my own room" I give him a warm smile trying to avoid an awkward situation "Yeah you definitely got something to do" Henry says avoiding eye contact, what does he mean?

I turn towards the other guys, "You maybe want to know who we're?" one of them says "I'm Joel, Joel King" he introduces himself "Nice to meet you Joel" I answer.

"I'm Conrad Young" Conrad says "And I'm Elio Flores", "Hi" I give them a warm smile.

Henry walks over to the last guy who's  standing in the room "And this is our lovely ice princess and captain, Asher Gray"  Henry teases making Asher glare at him before pushing him lightly away from him.

They grab my bags and carry them upstairs. I follow them and look around the house. It's a modern house with beautiful interior. The walls are painted in eggshells white and the furnishings is in light wood and beige. Pots with different plants are placed  around the house and big framed photographs is hanged up on the walls.

"The house is absolutely beautiful" I say mesmerized, still looking around. "Yeah it's pretty cool" Henry says over his shoulder "The photos are gorgeous" I say "Asher love photography, he has taken all the photos" Henry answers. I frown in surprise, Asher didn't really give that vibe.

Henry opens a door. I look inside the room and, OH GOD.

Pink, it's pink everywhere. The walls are pink, the bed sheets are pink, every decoration is pink and everything else is pink.

I hate pink.

I turn around facing the boys "Oh no why does it look the Pink Panther has lived here"

"Ehm sooooo funny story our team wanted to prank Asher, so we did som changes to his room and we sort of lost it" Henry says hesitated "Asher decided to move in another room instead of this creation"

I look at them in disbelief. Their pranks are serious damn shit. "Well I don't want to sound ungrateful but I absolutely hate pink" I say "Me too" a voice says suddenly. I look to the side finding Asher smiling a bit.

I look back at the room, this is going to be a challenge.

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