Chapter 7 - Home

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“We’re here…” Lue eyes lit as he stepped from the boat. He inspected the quiet port. It was around 5 am and everyone was sleeping, along with the baby in his arms. He walked through the wooden road then he found himself on the dirt road. He closed his eyes and he inhaled the air. Finally he is here. Home. He opened his eyes and smiled. He then ran, ran as fast as he could to the place he called home. 

“Now…” He said. “Now it finally starts!” He exclaimed. 

“Hmm?” A person woke up. “What time is it…6 AM?!” Her curly hair was all dishevelled. “Who is shouting at this time?!” She got out of her bed and walked to the doors. Then she opened them. 

“Dadan!” Lue exclaimed.

“HAAA?!” Dadan’s eyes got out of pockets. Then everyone else woke up.

“Can you help me?” Lue asked as they sat at the table.

“Ugh…why are you here, Garp’s son?” Dadan half asleep asked.

“Hehe!” Lue was so happy. Actually she knew him, she even once met him when Garp was sailing here. Luerion was raised on water, when he travelled with Garp and Dragon then only with some marines. When Lue was old enough he was travelling alone or with some merchants. Lue was the man of the sea. And in this life he only wanted to have a peaceful life.

“Please?” Lue made a puppy face to her. Ace was still sleeping as hard as a rock. 

“What is this all about, huh?!” Dadan pointed at Ace. 

“Oh…right.” Lue stared blankly.

“Do you suddenly go and have a kid?!” She was actually mad. Lue suddenly remembered all the times she scolded him and Ace when he was living as Luffy.

“Em…Dadan…” Lue wanted to tell her. And she had all the right to know that Ace is actually not his. “Listen to me for a while, can you?” Lue glanced at her firmly. She sweatdropped.

“O-okay…” She looked away.

“This is Ace…he is not my biologically or whatever…” Lue started.

“Then?!-” She wanted to interrupt but he stopped her when he continued.

“He could be in danger If they got to know whose child he is.” Lue looked down at the baby in his arms. Dadan felt angry, and didn't know why. “I decided to…tell everyone he is mine.” Lue concluded.

“But why?” Dadan asked with her cheek in her hand. Lue sweatdropped. 

“Em…I couldn’t just stay back and watch as they kill an unborn child…” He answered not looking into her eyes, he was lying but for good, he couldn’t say that he actually knows the future.

“Heeee…?” She was looking at him with those piercing eyes, she knew something’s not adding up, but she didn’t want to pressure him more. “Okay…” She sighed. Lue smiled widely.

“Thank you.” He said.

“What do you need my help with?” Dadan asked.

“Oh! I want you to help me build our house!” Lue smiled. She deadpanned. 

“What?!” She slapped her hands on the table.

“Yeah!” He added his laugh to it. A thick mark appeared on her forehead. 

“A house?” She pinched the bridge of her nose. Lue nodded. “Dogra, Magra!” She exclaimed and the tall and short men came running into the room.

“Yes?!” They said,

“Help him build a house.” She waved her hand.

“What?!” Their eyes got out of their pockets.

“Hahahaha!” Lue laughed. He missed it.

2 weeks later. The house was almost done. Ace being 2 and a half months old was able to sit on his own, which was almost impossible but he was a “D.” after all. Lue was placing the last things in the wooden house. 

“Uff…” He huffed while he stretched his back. “Ace how are you?” He walked to the sitting baby. Ace was sitting on a mat that had many toys on it. He punched a teddy bear with a toy hammer. Lue sweatdropped. He picked him up. “Are you hungry?” He asked. Ace looked at him and wiggled himself, like saying yes in baby language. Lue laughed.

“All right! Let’s go to a restaurant!” Lue exclaimed and he ran out of the house. It was built inside the forest, he wanted it to be close to Dadan’s but far enough for it to not be seen from there. Then Lue was out of the forest and he was running through the plains and he finally got into the village, his hometown. He smiled widely and stopped running at the entrance to examined it. 

“It really hasn't changed much…” Apart from repairings the village stayed the same as the future one. He was walking beside some windmills and some villagers looked over to him. They whispered. He heard them thanks to his haki but he smiled anyway. He needs to get a good impression, he knows that the villagers get really sensitive. 

“Oi.” A sudden voice sounded. Lue stopped in his tracks and he turned around. His eyes widened. An old man and a little girl, around 9.

“Who are you?” The man asked.

“I-I…” Lue stuttered. He recognised the faces. Mayor and the girl…green haired girl.

“Mister?” Makino…saw him looking at her.

“I am new…Let me introduce myself. Monkey D. Luerion.” Lue bowed. Wood Slap eyes widened. 

“Monkey D.?!” He exclaimed. 

“Ehehe…” Lue laughed nervously.

“Aha! Are you Garp’s-san son?!” The girl stepped closer. Lue stepped back, he was looking at the girl with wide eyes.

“I am…” He murmured. The girl tilted her head. She looked back at the Mayor and he shook his head. She walked closer, now curious of what the man had in his hands. 

“Ah! What a cute baby!” She had stars in her eyes. Lue smiled and he lowered himself for her to see Ace more. He was eating his own hand then he met her eyes. She smiled widely as she touched the little one’s cheeks. “Also chubby!” She exclaimed and looked at Lue with puppy eyes. He sat on the ground in defeat when he handed Ace to her. He just couldn’t leave it like this. The woman that was like a mother to him in his past life was now a little girl fascinated in the little baby.

“You’re new you say?” Mayor, Makino and Lue were now in the Party’s bar. She was actually living there, it surprised him.

“Yes!” Lue answered. Makino was playing with the baby in the background. Wood Slap inspected the young man with his piercing eyes. 

“Hmm…” He hummed.

After much talking, Lue was now walking back to home. It was evening. 

“Haaa…what a long day.” He sighed. Ace was playing with a beetle on Lue’s arms. Lue then smiled. “But it’s good. I got to see Makino’s younger self and the Mayor didn’t change much, haha!” He laughed. He really missed it so much. He was so happy to see them.


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