Chapter 25 - The Fight For One Life

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"That's the rookie Straw Hat!" One of the Whitebeard Pirates exclaimed.

"What is his connection to Whitebeard?" A marine sweatdropped.

"T-that's...that's the person we saw in the newspaper 23 years's Monkey D. Luerion!" Another exclaimed.

"I don't understand...normally after escaping the prison you go somewhere to hide, why did he come to this hell on Earth?!" Helmeppo asked.

"Because it's Luffy-san. He is that kind of person." Coby answered. "Luerion-san too, he came to save Ace."

"Pops...Luffy...Dad..." Ace was speechless.

'So this kid is Straw Hat. Luerion raised him with Ace.' Whitebeard thought. Lue crossed his arms.

"Old man." Luffy said and turned to him.

"Hm?" Whitebeard murmured.

"We heard the message on the ship a while ago. Something about the execution time being sped up." Luffy said.

"You sure? They really said that?!" Whitebeard wanted to be sure.

"Just after they finish some preparations." Lue assured.

"You also want to save Ace so I thought we'd tell you about it." Luffy turned around to the front again.

"I understand. This is a rather important message. Sorry for earlier." Whitebeard apologised.

"No problem, it's nothing." Luffy answered blankly.

"Hihihi!" Lue smiled.

"Why are they having such a nice chat?!" Buggy exclaimed.

"Yosh! Ace, I'm coming!" Luffy threw hands in the air and jumped from the ship onto the ground. He ran for a while then used one of his rubber techniques to move some Marines out of the way. "Move it! Move it! Move it!" He exclaimed as he ran.

"So this is Ace's younger brother? Stay out of this kid's way! Third Division, attack!" Jozu exclaimed.

"We're going too!" Jinbe exclaimed. Lue was still near Whitebeard. He was looking at the battle ground.

"You're not going?" The old man asked. Lue looked at him with a sweat that disappeared short after a while. He smiled.

"I will! Luffy needs my help with some of his attacks. But I am still waiting for something." Lue smirked.

"Pops! According to the navy's transmission, they intend to expedite Ace's execution!" Marco exclaimed.

"Yeah...I heard. What happened to Squardo?"

"He was caught up in the whirlwind of a bloody battle with the Vice Admirals down by the shore. I'll fly over there and help him!"

"No, wait. We will dance as they play for us if we start to panic over this leak of information. He is not that dumb, this is not a coincidence." Whitebeard smirked at Sengoku. Lue was listening to the end for him to finally shout to his friend.

"Marco!" Lue exclaimed and waved to him.

"Aha! Lue!" Marco's eyes widened as he realised Lue was there. The latter ran up to him.

"Long time no see!" He threw his arm around his shoulder.

"Yeah! But there's no time for chitchats! We need to win this war first." Marco's look in eyes grew serious. Lue nodded and turned to Whitebeard.

'I guess I can wait for them on the battleground.' He thought about a certain blonde head that would surely appear in the war. He just wanted to wait, but seeing Luffy getting manhandled was bad enough.

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