18: one bed & jealous tendacies

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"They sent another body this time but it's not like they're going to send yours the next time" Evelyn spoke to Klaus as he was nursing a drink on the armchair.

He stopped drinking and looked at her, "That does not reassure me"

The next person to speak was Finn, sat down on the other armchair as he lounged around, "I don't think it's supposed to, brother"

Evelyn found Finn to be fascinating, really. For most of the time his siblings could not stand him but Evelyn found a sense of friendship within him. Something to hold on to.

Klaus spoke next, a haughty grin on his face, "Why don't you go lie in a box somewhere?"

Evelyn grabbed the drink off Klaus, watching as he stared at her as she drank it, "Why don't you stop being a little dick and actually be useful, Nik?"

Finn was the one to speak up next, a slight grin on his face, "In case you were wondering, she called you useless"

Kol spoke next, sauntering in the room, "Looks like Finn has a tongue after all?"

"Shut it, boys. And listen to Evelyn" Rebekah snapped next, tossing a book in her brother's lap.

Evelyn let out a smile, "First thing is; let our enemy come to us. Don't goad them or even tempt them. Just let think that you don't care"

"That makes no sense" Kol spoke, an annoyed look on his face.

She turned her head towards Kol, "Maybe you lack the brain cells"

"Or maybe Kol is actually is right" a voice spoke, they all turned to Elijah lurking in the door way, "None of this plan makes sense"

"That's why I am the scion of Athena, not you" she shot out a quip, an annoyed look on her face.

Pushing a loose strand of hair out of her face, she got up from the seat as she walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Asked Klaus.

She let out a smile. "I am going for an evening stroll"

Klaus raised an eyebrow, "We have enemies on the loose, surely that is not a wise idea"

She quipped out, "Sounds like you're worried about me"

"Not worried. Just concerned that someone will kill my weapon" he spoke, a tone of seriousness in his voice.

Evelyn dropped the smile, "Well, like you said. I am a weapon. So no need to worry about your weapon"

She turned around, leaving the Mikaelson sibling in the room.


She cannot believe he said that about her.

Furious with anger, Evelyn paced around the room, her hands clenched as she thought what her husband said about her.


He called her that, that she was just that and she hated it. So much she wanted to yell at him.

Yes, she admitted she married him so she could become his weapon. But to hear Klaus say that to her sounded so inhumane. So dehumanising.

As if she just here to become his weapon.

Evelyn let a callous smile as she thought what she was going to him.

She was going to make him beg. Whether that be in the battlefield or in the bedchamber. It will happen.

She stormed out the room, power engulfing her whole as opened the door of her husband's bedchamber to see it laying empty.

She stood there, frustrated from the encounter she previously had with as she began pacing the room.

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