The people in the stands were also disappearing. Her heart rate grew as she looked for Thor. Where was he? Was he dead? Gone?

Blue eyes found hers, which let her breathe, but not for too long as he also began to disintegrate.

"Thor!" She raced to the wall he was by. He was only a few feet up in the stands, but she couldn't reach him. The concrete walls locked her in place, "Thor!"

He was gone. Nothing. Like he never existed.

She went to pull back her hair, but her hand was gone. Excuse me? The warrior looked at where her hands should be-wait, where's her body? Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.

The warrior was gone.

Screams. All she heard were screams. Women's screams filled her ears, children's cries, and men yelled out in anger. That's all she heard for what felt like forever.

That was until she felt something soft under her. There were no sounds except birds chirping and some tree branches blowing in the wind.

The girl peeked open her eyes, but the sunlight was so bright that she had to close them again. She opened her eyes toward the ground and found only green.

Grass. She was laying on the grass. When was the last time she even saw grass? Had to be when she left Earth-

Earth. Is she on fucking Earth? Rowan opened her eyes once more, her eyes adjusting rather quickly. There were trees, a blue sky, and clouds. Rogue, for the first time in a while, laughed in disbelief.

She was home.

Rowan looked over to where she heard a groan. A small boy with blonde hair lay on the ground and the girl ran over to him.


The said boy groaned again, "Whatever happened? Never again."

Rowan laughed, she's never heard that sound in a while, "I don't know how, but we're on Earth."

"What?" The boy instantly sat up, looking around, "Holy shit." Then he looked back at the girl, then looked at her side, "Holy shit, you're bleeding."

Rowan looked down and shrugged. She's been through worse back in Olympus, "And? We're on Earth, Thor! Olympus is gone! Don't you see, we're free!"

Thor laughed in disbelief and stood up, looking into the sky, "Fuck you, Gods! You can't hold us back, you hairy freaks!"

Before another word was spoken, a certain snarl was heard behind them. Rowan turned around and her smile instantly dropped. The once happy girl finally took one look at reality and decided maybe it wasn't good to be naive, "Buchis."

The minotaur just growled and started to run at her. Rowan looked around, trying to find something to protect herself with. Thor ran away, probably to get a higher advantage point from a tree.

Rowan found her sword. How the hell did it go with her? She dove for it, dodging his swing. The girl immediately started after him, swinging left and right, so he would have to stay on defense.

But, one fatal move and he grabbed her sword, throwing it farther away. Rowan's jaw clenched, grabbing a random tree branch that lay on the grass.

But, instead of swinging, she faked a jab to the left and instead stabbed him in the right. He let out a loud roar, but without hesitating, Rowan grabbed his horn and pushed down, hard. You'd probably think a horn from a bull doesn't fall off that easily, well when you also grab a dagger from your waistband and stab the skin surrounding it; it does.

She quickly grabbed the horn and stabbed the short end into his heart, letting him fall to the ground, dead. Sweat lined her forehead and suddenly, her side began to hurt much more.

And, for the first time in a while, the girl fell to her knees in pain. Blood coated her sides and her face. Dirt and mud was all over her, causing her to look like she just climbed out a rabbit hole.

"Thor, what the fuck?" She said to particularly no one as she couldn't even see him. Her eyesight was going in and out at the moment.

Small footsteps came behind her and she was met with a scared Thor, "Kryptonian!" She looked up to see nobody as she was expecting a blue boy scout to fly over her.

But, once she met eyes with the same blue from a couple of years ago, her stomach dropped, but she didn't allow her face to convey what she was feeling.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

The boy was wearing the same exact thing from four years ago. A black shirt and blue jeans with a red 'S' on his chest.

Thor stepped forward, in front of the girl, "We are from Olympus, but don't worry, we'll get out of your hair in no time."

Superboy shook his head, "You will have to come with me."

Rowan began to stand back up, making sure to not show she was hurt, "I'm afraid that we will not listen to your commands. We are not here to hurt you or your people." Some Gods taught her to be more mature and stoic.

"Listen, It's part of the rules. You come with me and after we ask some questions, you can go."

Rowan tilted her head up at the boy. She's realized he's matured and actually got some control over his anger now. It was weird to see him with such cool.

"As I said before, we are not going with you." She watched as Conner sighed, pulling something out of his pocket. But, before he could, Rowan pushed all her pain aside and ran at him. She pushed him to the ground, straddling his torso. This was all on instinct from the last four years. She's been taught to kill any and all threats, even if she knew them. The girl grabbed a dagger and was about to shove it into his heart, but his hand grabbed her wrist, not allowing her to push down anymore.

He used his strength to push her off, causing her to tumble back. Rowan's hand gripped the dagger, watching his every move. He stood up fairly quick, which leads her to know he's nervous she might jump him again. She was unpredictable to him, just how she likes it to be.

"Just come with me and you won't get hurt."

Rowan kept her emotionless gaze, "I'm not scared of getting hurt." Thor stood behind her, his blue eyes wide. Sure, he was a God, but that doesn't make him mentally stronger.

She quickly threw her dagger, but dodged it. The girl used his distraction and grabbed another dagger, sprinting at him. She cut deep into his arm, eliciting a groan from the boy. Without warning, she wrapped her arms around his neck from behind, the dagger at his throat.

"If you just let us leave with no one knowing, you'll come out of this alive." Her grip tightened as he tried to wiggle out. The dagger cut into his throat, blood seeping down his throat, "What do you say, huh?"

"Fine." She didn't release him as he didn't fully trust his answer. And she wouldn't have let him go without knocking him out if it wasn't for Thor.

"Let him go, Abaddon."

The name was formed a long time ago; it was written in books a thousand years ago. Rowan was given the name ever since she was born—it was her destiny. Abaddon is the bringer of chaos and destruction. Rowan wore that name well.

Rowan gradually stepped back, still gripping the knife in her palm. She looked at Thor in that second, finding him to be looking around with a smile. Even in one of the direst times, he still could find a reason to put a smile on his face.

But, as she watched Thor, Superboy quickly placed the device in his hand, about to flip it open. Rowan saw it at the last moment, quickly sweeping his legs out from under him. He fell to the ground and the girl went to grab the device, but the boy flipped it open, eliciting the Canary's cry.

Rowan stepped back as all her senses were taken over by the loud screech. The girl groaned, falling to the floor. Black dots danced around her vision. Red liquid seeped from her ears and nose, until she finally fell to the floor, unconscious.

ROGUE| DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now