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Here we are to MCSM's only canon ship. Harpvor gives me very mixed feelings so here we go.

The idea of Harpvor is really cute. Ivor having a MASSIVE crush on Harper; an old builder and deeply admiring her work, eventually developing a crush on her. While it's mostly unclear if Harper returns those same affections, it's shown that she enjoys Ivor's company and if Harper made a comeback in S2, I believe that this relationship would've blossomed.

While it really is adorable, I love their dynamic, they get hella little screentime. Especially since Harper is only in two episodes in S1(Access Denied and A Journey's End) and doesn't make a reappearance(or even mentions) in S2. She was hardly even in the episodes she was in which adds salt to wound. I feel like I would appreciate this ship way more if Harper had more screentime and actual character development in the two episodes she's in.

As for Ivor, I find his admirations for Harper adorable. He not only appreciates her work but also appreciates her as a person. Also, Ivor is a bisexual icon and I fight no one on that. He's also polyamorous in my book because I ship him with both Harper and Soren(and he's implied to have feelings for both so win-win).

I don't hate Harpvor so please don't cancel me on that. I like it, but it's not really on my list on "top/best MCSM ships." But hey, it's a ship and it's cute. I could get behind it.

Overall rating:

Platonically: 10/10

Romantically: 7/10

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