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FOR THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW: Nikki is an OC. She's an OC originally made by TheUltraNinjaShipper so all rights go to them. You may be familiar with her if you've seen some of my other works where she's present. Now anyways..

Once upon a time, I used to be a big Radki shipper. Some people may not be fond of it because of the OC x Canon character thing but I don't mind it. As for the dynamic, it's cool. It's giving lady warrior x nerd and also opposites attract which I really do like on some occasions. In fact, Nikki's probably most well known for being shipped with Radar.

Anyways, they're really different in personalities but they do have a lot of parallels such as how they're both seen as weak(Nikki for her size and Radar because of how scrawny he is) and have to prove their worth and how Radar eventually grows stronger and develops with Nikki there to help them. I don't ship them AS much as I used to, preferring other ships but I still go back to them every once and a while to relive the nostalgia I have for these two.

Nowadays, I just see them more as friends rather than lovers which is ironic because they feature a friends to lovers dynamic. To me, they have a very platonic relationship and respect each other as people. We.. need more platonic relationships in fandoms and media anyway.

Overall rating:

Platonically: 9/10

Romantically: 2/10

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