
142 3 17

Oh god no.. sigh. Aidesse is the romantic relationship between Jesse and Aiden. I hate this ship for so many reasons.

It's toxic. Sure, there's the "enemies to lovers" or "the bully secretly crushes on their victim" or something like that but it's still pretty toxic. It's literally perpetrator x victim. Aiden belittles Jesse every chance he gets and he even told them to die. And he's a terrorist. He literally destroyed and terrorized an entire town all because he was jealous and wanted clout. That's so toxic, I can't even fathom.

Also, a lot of the fanart I see of Aidesse is with F!Jesse and most of the time, it looks like he's forcing himself on her because she always looks so scared. And it doesn't help that there's a lot of stories that I found including Aidesse(some in Lukesse books) where Aiden is absolutely creepy to Jesse, is her (sometimes toxic) ex, or is fighting Lukas to win her affection which.. ruins Aidesse even more for me.

But what about Aidesse if Aiden redeems himself? To me it's just meh. A redeemed Aiden is interesting to see and which we were robbed from but I still can't really imagine Jesse getting with Aiden even if they forgive him. If it's after he redeems himself or is some sort of AU where he's not a terrible person, I guess I could tolerate it. If it's before then uhh.. toxic.

I can't even see Jesse becoming friends with Aiden. Whenever I imagine Aiden after episode five if he sees the error in his ways, I see him apologizing to all the people he's hurt before going to live a quiet life. To me, Aiden stays single. He's too sociopathic, narcissistic and arrogant to genuinely love someone else anyways and those traits might still be present even if he redeems himself.

Overall rating:

Platonically: 2/10

Romantically: 0/10

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